Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Provocative Anti-Muslim Rally Planned For Atlanta

According to yesterday's Atlanta Journal Constitution,  after the Georgia Building Authority rejected a request for a permit to hold a "United against Islam and Islamic immigration refugee rally" at Liberty Plaza across from the state capitol, authorities now expect a non-permitted, anti-Islamic protest on the sidewalks of the Georgia State Capitol on April 18.  The protest's organizer James Stachowiak, founder and editor of Freedom Fighter Radio, said that speakers at the rally will focus on the threat from Islamic immigration and refugees. He added:
We also plan to shred images of Obama, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Muhammad along with the shredding of the Koran. This will be an open carry event with the use of long arms as Georgia law allows.
CAIR-Georgia reacted with a press release stating in part:
We encourage these protesters to put down their guns, cancel their unsanctioned rally, and meet with representatives of our state’s Muslim community for an open and frank discussion of their concerns.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Pope Speaks To Diplomatic Corps About Migration Crisis In Europe

On Monday, Pope Francis held the traditional exchange of New Year's greetings with members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See.  In his remarks (full text) the Pope focused on the "grave crisis of migration" affecting Europe. He said in part:
I wish, then, to reaffirm my conviction that Europe, aided by its great cultural and religious heritage, has the means to defend the centrality of the human person and to find the right balance between its twofold moral responsibility to protect the rights of its citizens and to ensure assistance and acceptance to migrants....
In facing the issue of migrations, one cannot overlook its cultural implications, beginning with those linked to religious affiliation. Extremism and fundamentalism find fertile soil not only in the exploitation of religion for purposes of power, but also in the vacuum of ideals and the loss of identity – including religious identity – which dramatically marks the so-called West. This vacuum gives rise to the fear which leads to seeing the other as a threat and an enemy.... The acceptance of migrants can thus prove a good opportunity for new understanding and broader horizons, both on the part of those accepted, who have the responsibility to respect the values, traditions and laws of the community which takes them in, and on the part of the latter, who are called to acknowledge the beneficial contribution which each immigrant can make to the whole community.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

3rd Circuit Invalidates Portion of Religious Worker Visa Rules

The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Shalom Pentecostal Church v. Acting Secretary U.S. Department of Homeland Security, (3d Cir., April 7, 2015), invalidated a provision in Department of Homeland Security regulations on qualification for an I-360 special immigrant religious worker visa.  The court summarized its decision as follows:
The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) enables an immigrant to obtain a visa as a “special immigrant religious worker” if the immigrant meets certain statutory criteria, including that he has been “carrying on” religious work for at least the two years preceding the filing of the visa petition.  This case presents the question whether a requirement imposed in the relevant regulation [8 CFR 204.5(m)] that this religious work have been carried on “in lawful immigration status” crosses the line from permissible statutory interpretation by the responsible agency to ultra vires regulation contrary to the clear intent of Congress.....  [T]he District Court here concluded that the regulation is ultra vires because it contradicts the plain language of the INA..... For the reasons set forth below, we agree. We therefore will affirm the District Court’s order as to the invalidity of the regulation but will reverse and remand for further fact-finding on the remaining visa criteria.
Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

FOIA Lawsuit Will Seek Documents On Religious Organizations Care For Imigrant Minors

The ACLU announced last Friday that it plans to file a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to obtain documents relating to HHS Administration for Children and Families' contracts with Catholic Charities and other religious organizations for care of refugee and undocumented minors.  ACLU claims that these organizations are restricting refugee and undocumented immigrant teenagers' access to reproductive health services, including contraception and abortion. An ACLU staff attorney said:
We believe deeply in religious freedom. But religious freedom does not include the right to take a government contract that requires providing access to health care, and then refuse to provide a teen who has been raped the health care she needs.
The ACLU added:
Recently, the federal government released proposed regulations requiring federal contractors who care for unaccompanied minors to provide access to contraception, emergency contraception, and abortion if a teen has been raped. In response, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, one of the groups that received a government-funded contract to provide care to these teens, said any requirement that they provide information about contraception or abortion, even a referral or the arrangement for such services, would violate their religious freedom.
[Thanks to Will Esser via Religionlaw for the lead.]

Friday, August 01, 2014

Faith Leaders Arrested In Anti-Deportation Demonstration At White House

Huffington Post reports that yesterday over 100 faith leaders and immigration activists were arrested and charged with blocking passage after they refused to disperse from the sidewalk in front of the White House where they were protesting the daily deportations of undocumented immigrants. The protest began a series of anti-deportation events in Washington, DC, culminating in a march and rally on Saturday.