Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2014

New High-Budget Noah Movie Banned By Islamic Censors In 3 Countries

WebProNews reports today that censors in Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have banned the showing in their countries of the new Paramount Pictures high-budget movie "Noah." Also Egypt's Al-Azhar has issued a fatwa against the film.  A spokesman from the UAE’s National Media Center says that the film portrays holy figures in art in contravention of Muslim religious beliefs. Censors also say that the film may offend viewers because some of scenes contradict Islamic teachings.

Friday, March 07, 2014

Google Denied Stay of Order To Take Down "Innocence of Muslims", But En Banc Rehearing Is Possible

As previously reported, last month in Garcia v. Google, Inc.,  the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision held that a preliminary injunction should be granted to require the controversial film "Innocence of Muslims" to be removed from YouTube.  The decision came in a copyright suit filed by Cindy Lee Garcia who acted in a portion of the film. The decision was filed on Feb. 27, but apparently several days before the public release of the opinion the court ordered Google to take down the video.  In a Feb. 27 motion, Google sought a stay pending a petition for an en banc rehearing (full text), saying:
The Court last Wednesday issued a sealed order directing that Defendant-Appellee Google Inc. take down “all copies” of the video "‘Innocence of Muslims’ from and from any other platforms under Google’s control" and that Google "take all reasonable steps to prevent further uploads of ‘Innocence of Muslims’ to those platforms." Google has complied with the Court’s order, but in light of the intense public interest in and debate surrounding the video, the video should remain accessible while Google seeks further review.
In an Order (full text) issued Feb. 28, the court denied a stay and ordered Google to comply with the take down mandate within 24 hours, but added that "this order does not preclude the posting or display of any version of “Innocence of Muslims” that does not include Cindy Lee Garcia’s performance."

In the latest development, yesterday the court issued an Order (full text) stating that one judge has requested a vote on whether to rehear en banc the request for a stay. The court gave the parties until March 12 to file briefs on whether an en banc rehearing should be granted. [Thanks to Edward Lee via CyberProf listserv for the lead.]

Thursday, February 27, 2014

9th Circuit: Court Should Order Removal of "Innocence of Muslims" From YouTube

In Garcia v. Google, Inc., (9th Cir., Feb. 26, 2014), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, held that a preliminary injunction should be granted to require the controversial film "Innocence of Muslims" to be removed from YouTube. The suit was filed by Cindy Lee Garcia who acted in a portion of the film.  As explained by the court:
The film’s writer and producer ...cast Garcia in a minor role [in a film with the working title "Desert Warrior."] Garcia was ... paid approximately $500 for three and a half days of filming. “Desert Warrior” never materialized. Instead, Garcia’s scene was used in an anti-Islamic film titled “Innocence of Muslims.” Garcia first saw “Innocence of Muslims” after it was uploaded to and she discovered that her brief performance had been partially dubbed over so that she appeared to be asking, “Is your Mohammed a child molester?”
These, of course, are fighting words to many faithful Muslims and, after the film aired on Egyptian television, there were protests that generated worldwide news coverage.  An Egyptian cleric issued a fatwa, calling for the killing of everyone involved with the film, and Garcia soon began receiving death threats. She responded by taking a number of security precautions and asking that Google remove the video from YouTube.
As summarized by the court:
The panel concluded that the plaintiff established a likelihood of success on the merits of her claim of [copyright] infringement of her performance within the film because she proved that she likely had an independent interest in the performance and that the filmmaker did not own an interest as a work for hire and exceeded any implied license to use the plaintiff’s performance.
Volokh Conspiracy has an extensive analysis of the decision. (See prior related posting.)

UPDATE: On Feb. 28, the 9th Circuit issued a revised preliminary injunction (full text) making it clear that the injunction "does not preclude the posting or display of any version of “Innocence of Muslims” that does not include Cindy Lee Garcia’s performance." [Thanks to Volokh Conspiracy for the lead.]

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Malaysian Court Dismisses Prosecutions Against Shias On Technical Grounds

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that in Malaysia, Shia Muslims are heartened by the dismissal on technical grounds of a prosecution against 3 men for violating a local fatwa requiring Malaysians to follow Sunni teachings. The fatwa, issued in 2012 by the Perak state fatwa council, is similar to ones adopted in 11 of the country's 14 states after the National Fatwa Council issued a similar ruling in 1996. The 3 men were charged with possessing books and other items relating to Shia Islam, but a Sharia Lower Court judge ruled that two of the charges against the defendants were unclear. Two other Shias were released on similar grounds several weeks ago. However over the last year there have been a growing number of cases against Shias and practitioners of other minority religions.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Bahraini Court Dissolves Islamic Scholars Council

Al Monitor reports that in Bahrain last Wednesday, the Administrative Court ordered the dissolution of the Islamic Scholars Council and liquidation of its assets. The Council includes a number of prominent Shiite scholars who support the opposition movement.  Last September, the Justice Ministry filed a lawsuit seeking liquidation of the Council, claiming that the organization was founded in 2004 in violation of law.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Tunisia's National Assembly Approves Constitutional Provision Making Islam Country's Religion

Tunisia's National Assembly began voting Friday, article-by-article, on the country's proposed new constitution. (AFP 1/3). On Saturday, by a vote of 146-3 it adopted Article I which reads:  "Tunisia is a free, independent and sovereign state. Islam is its religion, Arabic is its language, and it is a republic. It is not possible to amend this article." The Assembly rejected proposed amendments that would have provided that Islam or the Qur'an would be the principal source of legislation.  The provision as adopted is a compromise between the Islamist Ennahda party and secularists. (AFP 1/4.) The constitution must be adopted by 2/3 of the Assembly's 217 members, or else submitted for a referendum.