Wednesday, May 16, 2007

En Banc Rehearing Sought In 9th Circuit Approval of SF Noise Ordinance

A petition for for an en banc rehearing by the full 9th Circuit (full text) was filed last week in Rosenbaum v. City and County of San Francisco. In April, a 3-judge panel deciding the case rejected constitutional challenges to San Francisco's enforcement of its noise and its permit ordinances against Christian evangelists seeking to use sound amplification equipment for their preaching in the streets and parks. An Alliance Defense Fund release reports on the filing.

Swiss Politicians Want To Ban Building of Minarets

In Switzerland, right-wing Swiss National Party and Federal Democratic Union party members are gathering signatures to call for a national vote to ban the construction of minarets in the country. They say minarets are a symbol of power and threaten law and order. (Minarets are towers attached to mosques from which the Islamic call for prayer traditionally is broadcast.) Swiss President and Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey says the proposal threatens religious liberty that is guaranteed in the country and would endanger Swiss security. Today's Australia Daily Telegraph reports on the move.

Kuwaiti Education Minister Refuses To Wear Veil In Parliament

Kuwait's Education Minister Nouriya Al-Subeeh has created a controversy by refusing to wear a veil in Parliament. Asia News yesterday reported that Islamist MPs claim that the 2005 Election Law that gives women political rights, but mandates that they respect Islamic law, means that the veil is required. But others say that, except in a mosque, wearing a veil is a personal choice. A number of academics support Al-Subeeh and say her choice should be respected.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Moral Majority Founder Jerry Falwell Dies

Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, died today at age 73. The New York Times, eulogizing him, said:
Mr. Falwell went from being a Baptist preacher in Lynchburg to carving out a powerful role in national electoral politics. He was at home in both the millennial world of fundamentalist Christianity and the earthly blood sport of the political arena. As much as anyone, he helped create the religious right as a political force, defined the issues that would energize it for decades and cemented its ties to the Republican Party.
UPDATE: On Tuesday afternoon, the White House issued a statement saying that the President and Mrs. Bush are saddened by Falwell's death. It continues: "One of his lasting contributions was the establishment of Liberty University, where he taught young people to remain true to their convictions and rely upon God's word throughout each stage of their lives."

Discussion of God In the Presidential Election From Larry King Live

On CNN yesterday, Larry King Live featured a discussion with five leading figures on "What's God Got To Do With Electing America's Next President". Featured on the show were Reverend Albert Mohler, Jr. president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; David Kuo, the Washington editor of; Reverend Jim Wallis, editor-in-chief of "Sojourners" magazine; Reverend Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State; and David Gergen, who served as White House adviser to Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton. The full transcript of the show and five minutes of video clips from it are available online. [Thanks to Michael Lieberman for the lead.]

Forsyth County NC Adopts New Invocation Policy In Face Of Litigation

The Forsyth County, North Carolina, Board of Commissioners Monday night voted 4-3 to approve a new policy that calls for inviting local clergy and religious leaders who are listed in the Yellow Pages to deliver invocations at Board meetings. They would be assigned on a "first-come, first-served basis" according to the report in today's Winston-Salem Journal. The policy language was recommended by the Alliance Defense Fund. The policy permits the invited clergy to deliver sectarian prayers. It provides: "Neither the board nor the clerk shall engage in any prior inquiry, review of, or involvement in, the content of any prayer to be offered by an invocational speaker." The vote comes in response to a lawsuit filed in March by the ACLU and Americans United challenging the county's unwritten policy that permitted sectarian invocations. The final Board vote on the new policy split along party lines. Opposing the new policy, Democrat Walter Marshall said: "I think religion has been prostituted. I have already felt the hate of people and what religion can do."

Fidelis Protests Clinton Campaign Video

CNS reports today on a controversy that has arisen over the use of a picture of Mother Theresa in a Hillary Clinton campaign video. Joseph Cella, president of the Catholic advocacy group Fidelis, has urged Clinton's presidential campaign to edit out the brief shot of Mother Teresa standing with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton. Cella says that Clinton's pro-abortion stance is contrary to the beliefs of Mother Theresa. The disputed video is a 5-minute presentation narrated by Bill Clinton and includes a clip of Mrs. Clinton's speaking at the 1995 Beijing Conference, saying: "It is no longer acceptable to discuss women's rights as separate from human rights." Fidelis issued a release outlining its objections. Here is the video on YouTube (the disputed shot is at 2:26).

NJ Supreme Court Dismisses RLUIPA Land Use Appeal

North reports that the New Jersey Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal in St. Joseph’s Korean Catholic Church v. Zoning Bd. Of Rockleigh (Docket No. A-30-06). The court had originally granted certification to decide whether the Borough of Rockleigh's zoning ordinances unconstitutionally discriminate against houses of worship and whether the Planning Board's denial of a variance to a Korean Catholic Church violates RLUIPA. The Appellate Division had upheld the planning board's determination in which it found that the church would not have room to expand to meet the needs of its growing congregation even if the requested variance was granted. (See prior related posting.)

Official French Jewish Group Elects New Head

In France yesterday, a cardiologist supported by the Ashkenazi community was elected president of CIRF, the umbrella organization that represents the Jews of France in dealings with the French government. CIRF, set up after World War II, is comprised of 165 voting members representing various Jewish organizations in France. Haaretz, reporting on the election, says that France's 500,000 Jews are now largely of North African descent, and CIRF has been criticized for not reflecting that demography. Two candidates of North African descent came in third and fourth in the election.

Anti-Abortion Protester's Claim Survives Dismissal Motion-- But Barely

In McTernan v. City of York, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34809 (MD PA, May 11, 2007), a Pennsylvania federal district court held that while plaintiff's case is very thin, it refused to dismiss a Christian pro-life advocate's claim that his free speech, freedom of assembly and free exercise rights were violated when a police officer threatened to arrest him if he again entered an alley next to a Planned Parenthood facility. The court, however, did dismiss plaintiff's claim that the City of York's decision to deploy extra officers to Planned Parenthood was a deliberate action aimed at depriving him of his constitutional rights.

New Appointees To USCIRF Named

President George W. Bush announced last week that he intends to make three appointments to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. He will reappoint Chairman Michael Lewis Cromartie for a two year term. He will appoint Talal Eid for a two-year term and Leonard A. Leo for one year. A CNA report gives more detail on the nominees. Cromartie is Vice President at the Ethics and Public Life Center. Leo is Executive Vice President of the Federalist Society. eid is the founder and director of the Islamic Institute of Boston (prior AP story).

Last month, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton announced the appointment of Don Argue to USCIRF. He is President of Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington and was formerly President of the National Association of Evangelicals. (Melissa Rogers has more on this appointment.)

Under Sec. 201 of the International Religious Freedom Act, the President chooses three Commissioners; four are chosen by the Congressional leaders of the party not in the White House; and two by the leaders of the President's party in Congress. The Congressional picks are split between Senate and House leaders. (See USCIRF FAQ)

Chicago Church Loses Property Tax Challenge On Jurisdictional Grounds In 7th Circuit

Yesterday, the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed for lack of jurisdiction a church's attempt to avoid eviction from its property by the city of Chicago. The city had obtained a tax deed to the church after the church failed to pay over $100,000 in assessed property taxes. In Beth-El All Nations Church v. City of Chicago, (7th Cir., May 14, 2007), the court dealt with a range of procedural complexities in applying the Rooker-Feldman doctrine that precludes use of lower federal courts to overturn a final state court judgment. Attorneys for the church focused their arguments primarily on a notice that had been sent to the church at a wrong address. However state courts had already held that this did not amount to fraudulent concealment of the tax sale of the church's property, so the church could not avoid the statute of limitations that by then barred the church's challenge to the lack of notice. The Court of Appeals pointed out that the church still had the possible option of challenging the tax sale in state court on the grounds that the property was in fact tax exempt. [Thanks to Alliance Alert for the lead.]

Pittsburgh Diocese Separately Incorporates Its High Schools

Last week's Pittsburgh (PA) Catholic reports on the restructuring of the legal organization of eight Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Each school will be separately incorporated as a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation. Currently 7 of the schools are operated directly by the diocese and one is operated by a parish under diocesan auspices. the reorganization occurs in the wake of legal battles elsewhere over whether parochial school assets are available to satisfy claims of diocesan creditors. (See prior related postings 1, 2.)

Monday, May 14, 2007

New York Arabic Culture School Raises Concerns Among Neighbors

Today's New York Sun reports on growing concern over New York school authorities' decision to open a new middle school in Brooklyn that will focus on Arabic language and culture. The new Khalil Gibran International Academy will be in a building that houses two other specialized schools in a neighborhood with a heavy Arab-American population. Other parents say they are concerned that the school will become a vehicle for extremist political and religious ideology. The Department of Education, however, says the school will be secular, is open to anyone, and will be closed down if it shows any indication of becoming religious.

New British Rules Require Churches To Post No-Smoking Signs

In Britain, clergymen are angry about new Department of Health regulations-- the Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations 2007-- that will require churches to post no-smoking signs at church entrances by July 1. Today's London Telegraph reports that the Dean of Southwark, the Very Rev. Colin Slee, who is the spokesman for the Association of English Cathedrals, said: "It is such nonsense. One is bound to ask, when did you last hear of somebody smoking in church?"

Baccalaureate Services Declining In Popularity

The Springdale (AK) Morning News reports that the number of schools having a baccalaureate service as part of graduation activities has declined as schools become increasingly concerned about church-states issue posed by the traditionally religious services. The programs usually feature prayers, religious songs and bible readings. They need to be sponsored by private groups rather than the school itself in order to meet constitutional requirements. Arkansas' Gravette High School is holding its popular baccalaureate service again this year. Principal Jo Ellen Hastings,says no one from the Gravette School Board has told them to discontinue the practice.

Funding For Parochial Schools To Be An Issue In Ontario This Fall

In the Canadian province of Ontario, Parents for Educational Choice is working to make funding for non-Catholic religious schools an issue in this fall's political campaign. Currently public and Catholic schools are funded based on their enrollments. PEC supports equal governmental funding for all independent schools that meet government enrollment and educational standards. Saturday's Brockville Recorder & Times published an article outlining a recent meeting between a PEC representative and parents of New Dublin's Heritage Community Christian School. The article points out that between 2001 and 2003, Ontario had a $3500 tax credit for parents who sent their children to any independent religious or private school.

New Law and Religion Articles-- Many to Choose From This Week

From SSRN:
Rev. John J. Coughlin, O.F.M., Apostolic Signatura, (Notre Dame Legal Studies Paper No. 07-31, May 8, 2007).

Richard W. Garnett, Pluralism, Dialogue, and Freedom: Professor Robert Rodes and the Church-State Nexus, (Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 22, Forthcoming).

Paolo G. Carozza, The Universal Common Good and the Authority of International Law, (Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, Vol. 8, pp. 28-55, 2006).

Carl H. Esbeck, The 60th Anniversary of the Everson Decision and America's Church-State Proposition, (Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2007-08).

Mathis Rutledge, A Time to Mourn: Balancing the Right of Free Speech Against the Right of Privacy in Funeral Picketing, (Maryland Law Review, Volume 67, No. 2, 2008).

Laura M. Thomason, On the Steps of the Mosque: The Legal Rights of Non-Marital Children in Egypt, (Hastings Women's Law Journal, 2007).

Jennifer Dumin, Superstition-Based Injustice in Africa and the United States: The Use of Provocation as a Defense for Killing Witches and Homosexuals, (Wisconsin Women's Law Journal, Vol. 21, 2006 ).

From Bepress:
Stephen M. Siptroth, Prophetic Politics: The Struggle for Civil Rights and the Ecclesial Experiences of Blacks and Latinos, (2007).

From SmartCILP:
Lubna A. Alam, Keeping the State Out: The Separation of Law and State in Classical Islamic Law. (Reviewing Rudolph Peters, Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century), 105 Michigan Law Review 1255-1264 (2007).

Colloquy: Religious Liberty. Douglas Laycock, A Syllabus of Errors; Marci A. Hamilton, A Response to Professor Laycock, 105 Michigan Law Review 1169-1192 (2007). Douglas Laycock, God v. The Gavel: A Brief Rejoinder, 105 Michigan Law Review 1545-1549 (2007).

Symposium, God's Law in the People's Law: A Discussion of Contemporary Issues Arising from Religion and The Law, 6 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender & Class, Issue 1, 2006, (Articles by T. Jeremy Gunn, Andrew J. King, Gary S. Gildin, George H. Taylor, Lucia A. Silecchia, Robert K. Vischer, Jay D. Wexler, Maxwell O. Chibundu).

Timothy W. Floyd, Lawyers and Prophetic Justice, 58 Mercer Law Review 513-530 (2007).

Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. XXII, No. 1 (2006-07) (Contents) has recently been published.

FLDS Member Moves To Texas Town With Mixed Reception

Now that the courts have imposed a trust on the properties of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, a polygamous sect that was centered in Colorado and Utah, a number of the church's members are moving elsewhere. Yesterday's Salt Lake Tribune reports that Samuel Fischer, with his two wives, is moving his thriving cabinet-making business to Lockney, Texas. Fischer met Friday night with residents of the city at its Community Center to explain his life, faith and family-- 12 of his 24 children are coming with him. The rest are grown. Lockney is economically depressed, and it welcomed the move until it learned of Fischer's background. Now the reception is more mixed, with some fearing that Lockney will become known as an FLDS town.

Slovakia Formally Recognizes Baha'i Faith

The government of Slovakia has officially registered the Baha'i Faith as a recognized religious community, according to a report yesterday from Baha'i World News Service. Recognition grants the religious group legal status. It also allows it to apply for government funding; however a spokeswoman said that Baha'i does not plan to seek government financial support. 17 other religious communities, all either Christian or Jewish, have previously been registered by the government under the Religion Law.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Columnist Writes On Evolution Responses In Republican TV Debate

Syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker has an interesting column today on the exchange in this month's Republican presidential debate over evolution. In the debate, journalist Jim VandeHei asked whether any of the candidates did not believe in evolution-- three raised their hands. John McCain, to whom the question was first addressed, had a chance to be more nuanced. Parker says:

The truth is, each man took a calculated risk — or a courageous stand, depending on one's view. To say "yes" would have been to betray evangelical Christian voters, 73 percent of whom believe that human beings were created in their present form in the last 10,000 years or so.

To these folks, "no" didn't mean anti-science; it meant pro-God and conveyed a transcendent, non-materialistic view of the world. To secular Darwinists, "no" meant either ignorance or pandering to the ignorant — most likely both....

The debate question was fundamentally a setup for ridicule. No one was served, and no one, alas, is the wiser.

Federal Earmarks Benefitting Religious Groups Show Sharp Increase

Today's New York Times reports that there has been a sharp increase in the number of earmarks in federal appropriations bills that benefit religious organizations. There have been 900 earmarks directing $318 million to religious groups between 1989 and 2007. (The Times has posted a list of all 900.) More than half of those were in bills enacted in the Congressional session that included the 2004 presidential election. The number of religious groups listed as clients of Washington lobbying firms tripled between 1998 and 2005. The funds all have to be used for non-religious purposes. Many earmarks fund social service activities of the organizations, but others give churches control of parcels of federal land or fund buildings on the campuses of religious colleges.

Long Island School Board Race Splits Along Religious Lines

On Long Island, Tuesday's election for the Lawrence, New York school board has turned into a bitter contest being fought along religious lines according to an article in yesterday's Newsday. At issue is whether control of the 7-member school board will remain in the hands of Orthodox Jewish candidates representing parents who send their children to private religious schools. 3,380 students attend Lawrence public schools, but another 3,900 students in the district attend private religious schools, largely yeshivas. In recent years, families of private school students have sought more services from the school district for their children.

In the election, 3 "public school candidates" are facing three candidates sympathetic to parents of private school students. Ads placed in the local newspaper with headlines like "Should the Lawrence Public School District Be Run By An Orthodox Majority?" have been strongly criticized, and have led the editors of the Herald newspapers to run an explanation of why they accepted the ads. Public-school candidate Pamela Greenbaum says that ads have run in Jewish publications seeking to hire people to help drum up absentee votes from school district residents with dual-citizenship now living in Israel.

Prisoner Free Exercise Cases Are Plentiful This Week

In Baranowski v. Hart, (5th Cir., May 4, 2007), the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the refusal by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to provide Jewish inmates with kosher diets. Jewish inmates could obtain either pork-free or vegetarian meals. The court also rejected plaintiff’s claim that inmates should be allowed to lead Jewish religious services when a rabbi or approved volunteer was unavailable. The suit alleged violations of the free exercise and equal protection clauses and of RLUIPA. Discussing the RLUIPA claim, the court said that the denial of religious services on an every-week basis did not substantially burden the plaintiff’s free exercise of religion. As to the denial of kosher food, while it did substantially burden plaintiff’s free exercise, it was justified by a compelling governmental interest—controlling costs and preventing resentment among other inmates if the increased cost of kosher food came out of the general food budget.

In Rahman v. Goord, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32680 (WD NY, May 3, 2007), a New York federal district court refused to require the New York Department of Corrections to end its practice of holding joint Friday Jumah services for Shiite and Sunni Muslims. The court rejected plaintiff’s claim that the refusal to hold separate Shia services violated his free exercise rights and his rights under RLUIPA. The court however did grant an injunction requiring the prison system to recognize the Shiite holy days of Eid-Ghadir, Muharram, and Ashura, and provide the plaintiff with Halal food on those holidays.

In Perez v. Westchester County Department of Corrections, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32638 (SD NY, April 30, 2007), a New York federal district court refused to grant defendants’ motion to dismiss a claim against them by a Muslim prisoners who claimed that Muslim inmates are denied meals that meet Halal standards, and that Halal standards could be met by merely serving Muslim prisoners the same kosher meals that are served to Jewish prisoners. The court said that plaintiffs' equal protection claim may ultimately succeed because they may be able to show disparate treatment among Muslim and Jewish inmates.

In Henderson v. Kennell, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34440 (CD IL, May 10, 2007), and Illinois federal district judge dismissed a claim by a prisoner who alleged that his free exercise rights were violated when prison officials refused to permit him to have an Islamic medallion in prison. The court said it is doubtful that the denial imposed a substantial burden on plaintiff’s central religious beliefs and, even if it did, plaintiff failed to exhaust his administrative remedies.

In Smith v. Bruce, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34166 (D KA, May 8, 2007), a Kansas federal district court refused to dismiss a prisoner’s his free exercise claim against the warden of the Hutchinson, KA state correctional facility. Plaintiff, who maintained a vegetarian diet for religious reasons, claimed that the warden violated his free exercise rights when the warden deliberately and recklessly ignored the fact that the prison’s food service was serving plaintiff gelatin containing animal by-product.

In Cejas v. Blanas, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 33963 (ED CA, May 9, 2007), a California federal Magistrate Judge found that a prisoner’s claim that he should have a single cell so he would not be housed with someone who violated the edicts of his religion did not state a viable claim. Plaintiff did not allege that that the housing about which he complained would burden his own practice of his faith.

In Gill v. Hoadley, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 33122 (ND NY, May 4, 2007), a New York federal district court adopted the recommendations of a Magistrate Judge and dismissed a prisoner’s free exercise claim. The court held that there were valid penalogical concerns that led authorities to deny a number of requests by a Jehovah’s Witness prisoner to attend religious services. The court also accepted the Magistrate’s recommendation that plaintiff’s First Amendment retaliation claims against certain of the defendants should be reinstated.

In Keesh v. Smith, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 33120 (ND NY, May 3, 2007), prisoners Tyheem Keesh and Jesus Michael Jova were attempting to obtain accommodation to practice "Tulukeesh" "the religion of the creator”, a religion started by Keesh. In an earlier decision, the court held that “plaintiffs are principally motivated not by religious impulses but rather by the desire to achieve a more congenial lifestyle during their incarceration.” The court denied plaintiffs’ renewed motion for a preliminary injunction, saying that it had already considered everything now raised by plaintiffs when it denied their motion. UPDATE: The court denied plaintiffs' motion for reconsideration at 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 38368 (ND NY, May 25, 2007).

Jury Awards Damages To Congregant Injured During Prayer

According to the Lansing (MI) State Journal, on Thursday a jury rendered its verdict in the suit by a Lansing, Michigan woman against her church and its pastor for injuries she suffered when, answering a call to the altar, she was "slain in the spirit" and collapsed. No ushers were there to catch her. (See prior posting.) The jury awarded Judith Dadd $314,000. In addition to the injuries from the fall itself, the jury found that Mt. Hope Church pastor David Russell Williams had defamed Dadd by accusing her of possible insurance fraud and claiming that she had renounced her faith after she filed her lawsuit. Dadd had originally asked for damages of $1.65 million. Defendants, nevertheless, are considering filing an appeal. [Thanks to Brian D. Wassom for the lead.]

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Terrorist Suspect Asks Judge For Quran

One of the six men arrested this week on terrorism charges for plotting to kill soldiers at Fort Dix (NJ) was Eljvir Duka. He was one of three brothers-- ethnic Albanians-- charged in the plot. (Background from NYT.) Yesterday, Duka’s lawyer appeared before a federal magistrate judge in Camden, NJ to request a copy of the Quran for his client. The Newark Star-Ledger reports Magistrate Judge Joel Schneider ruled that first a request should be made to prison officials. Only if they refuse should the lawyer bring the case back to the court.

Student-Led High School Graduation Prayers Challenged

In Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, the school board voted earlier this month to allow students at each of the parish's six high schools to decide whether or not they want to include a prayer in their graduation ceremonies this year. The Ouachita Parish High School class voted unanimously to include prayer, according to its principal Todd Guice. Guice says he offered any student who objected an opportunity to discuss the issue privately with him, but none did. This week, the Louisiana branch of the ACLU faxed a letter to the the high school and the school board alleging that the new policy is unconstitutional. The Leesville Daily Leader today reports on Superintendent Bob Webber’s response: "We are simply allowing the students to continue the tradition of prayer at graduation. We're going to allow it with little or no influence by the adults concerned."

Parishioners Sue Over Consolidation of Mississippi Catholic Parishes

The Gulfport, MS Sun Herald today reports that 156 members of Holy Family Parish, formerly St. Paul Parish in Pass Christian, Mississippi, have filed a lawsuit against Bishop Thomas J. Rodi, the Diocese of Biloxi and Holy Family pastor the Rev. Dennis Carver. The suit by parishioners who object to the Diocese's decision to consolidate two parishes into one, seeks to require the diocese to rebuild St. Paul's church that was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina on its prior beachfront location. The suit also asks for an accounting of the funds that were contributed to St. Paul’s Parish after Katrina.

Bishop Rodi published a statement on Friday in response to the lawsuit, saying that the lawsuit "is an attempt to have the courts order the Catholic Church to have a church building at a specific place. If this lawsuit would be successful, it would mean, in effect, that the courts would tell the Catholic Church where God must be worshipped, where Mass and the other sacraments must be celebrated, and how the Catholic Church must use the financial resources of Holy Family Parish. This lawsuit attacks both the unity and liberty of the Church."

Kenya Judge Rejects Push By Christian Sect To Wear Headscarfs In School

According to today's Kenya Times, a judge in the High Court in Kenya has rejected the claim of students from a Christian sect known as the Arata A. Roho Mutheru Society that they were unconstitutionally expelled from school for wearing headscarves. (See prior posting.) Justice Joseph Nyamu held that the students had not produced proof they were expelled, that they did not show that wearing a headscarf was in fact required by their religion, and that at any rate the requirement in the Education Act that school students wear uniforms does not clash with the Constitutional principle of equality.

New Head of Army Chaplain Corps Designated reported yesterday that Chaplain Brigadier General Douglas Carver has been promoted to the rank of Major General for assignment as the U.S. Army’s Chief of Chaplains. If, as expected, his promotion is approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee, Carver will be the first Southern Baptist since 1954 to head the Army’s Chaplain Corps. He currently serves as Deputy Chief of Chaplains. Carver ‘s official promotion will come at a "Change of Stole" ceremony scheduled for July 12 at Fort Belvoir.

NH Supreme Court: No Tax Exemption For Church Used As Warehouse

In Appeal of City of Nashua, (NH Sup. Ct., May 11, 2007), the New Hampshire Supreme Court yesterday gave a narrow reading to the state statute that grants a property tax exemption for "buildings … owned, used and occupied directly for … religious purposes by any regularly recognized and constituted denomination…." It held that a tax exemption was not available for two Catholic church buildings that had been deconsecrated and which were being used to store items of religious significance such as altars, stained glass windows, a cross, organs, statues and pews. The court said that the mere storage of religious objects in a deconsecrated church, on a temporary basis, is not use of the building for "religious purposes." Yesterday’s Boston Globe reported on the decision.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Romney's Religious Beliefs Attract Increasing Attention

The religious views of Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney have attracted increased attention by the media. If nominated, he would be the first Mormon presidential candidate of a major political party. Less than two weeks ago, PBS produced a 4-hour series on The Mormons. Shown on Frontline, it is currently still available for viewing online (with related background material). That no doubt piqued public interest in Romney's views.

This week, Time Magazine has Romney on the cover, and carries two articles about his religious views and their likely impact in the election: What Romney Believes and Romney's Mormon Question. Then the New York Times today ran an article titled: Romney Elaborates on Evolution, following up on the candidate's position staked out in last week's Republican debates. It quotes Romney's interesting formulation: "I'm not exactly sure what is meant by intelligent design. But I believe God is intelligent and I believe he designed the creation. And I believe he used the process of evolution to create the human body." [Thanks to Melissa Rogers and Blog from the Capital for leads.]

NJ School Board Settles Complaint About Teacher's In-Class Proselytizing

Today's New York Times reports that the Kearny, New Jersey, Board of Education voted 6-1 Tuesday night to approve a settlement with the parents of high schooler Matthew LaClair. The LeClairs had filed a lawsuit complaining about in-class proselytizing by Matthew's history teacher, David Paszkiewicz. (See prior postings 1, 2.) Matthew had recorded his teacher, who is also a Baptist minister, saying that students who do not accept Jesus belong in Hell, that the "Big Bang" theory is unscientific and that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark. In the settlement, the school agreed to have the Anti-Defamation League train students and teachers about separation of church and state (including issues regarding the teaching of creationism). Also under the settlement agreement, the Board will issue a statement praising Matthew for his "courage and integrity," and the LaClairs will issue a statement commending the Board of Education. Additional postings about the settlement are at Melissa Rogers and Blog from the Capital.

Native Americans Say TN Bill Protecting Team Names Infringes Religious Rights

Yesterday, the Tennessee Senate passed HB 133 that prohibits agencies like the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association from interfering with the right of any public or private school "to continue to honor American Indians and the heritage of such institution through the use of American Indian symbols, names, and mascots." The House has already passed the bill.

The Kingsport Times-News yesterday reported that Tennessee Commission of Indian Affairs opposed the bill. Last January the TCIA told the state's Human Rights Commission that: "The use of (eagle) feathers, sacred pipes (miscalled peace pipes), sacred drums, the dances, the Indian songs, even painted faces are all part of sacred ceremonies used by Native American Indians and misused by non-Indians as 'rituals' at sports games where they also misuse our tribal names with the addition of horrendous caricatures." TCIA Chair Evangeline W. Lynch made the same point in testimony before the Tennessee Senate State and Local Government Committee last month saying that the misuse of these symbols are an attack upon Native American religions.

In Wales, Hindus Protest Plans To Slaughter Diseased Bull

In Wales, government agricultural officials say that a Friesian bull named Shambo tests positive for tuberculosis and needs to be slaughtered. However Shambo is part of a herd of 35 cows and bullocks kept on the grounds of a Hindu temple near near Carmarthen, west Wales. Killing cows and bulls violates Hindu religious principles. Today's London Telegraph reports that Shambo has now been placed in a shrine inside the Skanda Vale Temple, but local farmers say that does not guarantee against the spread of TB. They want the slaughter to proceed. 3500 people have signed an online petition against slaughtering the animal; monks are planning to file a lawsuit; and Hindu leaders are threatening to form a human shield to prevent the animal from being slaughtered. Britain's Hindu Council has gotten involved, and a member of Parliament, Andrew Dismore, the Labour MP for Hendon, has introduced a resolution calling for the Environmental Secretary to stop the planned culling.

Hopi Religious Accommodation Claim Held to Be Moot

This week, an Arizona federal Magistrate Judge dismissed as moot an interesting religious accommodation claim by members of the Hopi Indian Tribe. Joshevama v. Office of Surface Mining, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34097 (D AZ, May 8, 2007), is apparently part of a larger conflict between traditional Hopis and the Hopi tribal government over proposals to operate and develop the Black Mesa coal mine. In the case, a group of traditional Hopis claimed that the federal government violated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act by setting the public comment period on a draft environmental impact statement for the Black Mesa Project to coincide with their winter religious ceremonial calendar. From November through February, traditional Hopis are prohibited from engaging in government or significant non-religious pursuits. However the court found that the Office of Surface Mining had subsequently extended the comment period through May 11.

Archbishop of Cantebury Praises Tony Blair

Christian Today reports that as Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that he would leave office next month, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, issued a statement praising Blair's dedication to religious freedom. He said in part:
Tony Blair has understood as well as any Prime Minister in recent times why religion matters, how faith communities contribute to the common good and why religious extremism should have no place in a progressive society. As a man of genuine personal faith, he has not shied away from the risk associated with confronting extremism, while respecting difference.... There have naturally been differences of vision and judgement between the Prime Minister and the Church of England, not least over the Iraq war, but he has been consistently willing to allow these disagreements to be voiced and discussed openly.

Sheriff Defends Faith-Based Post-Release Program

In Fall River, Massachusetts, Sheriff Thomas Hodgson yesterday called a press conference to counter complaints by Americans United for Separation of Church and State over a Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation program for men who have recently been release from prison. South Coast Today reported that a defiant sheriff defended the well-established Teen Challenge program run in a state-owned house by a Pentecostal pastor. All eleven men in the program have completed their prison sentences and have volunteered for the 15 month residential program involving counseling, fundraising and prayer. He says the program has a much better record at preventing recidivism than secular programs do.

Sheriff Hodgson released a letter saying: "the argument that somehow we should not allow a recovery program to operate in a transition home purchased by the Sheriff's Department would mean that we must suspend all religious activity and spiritual access within our prison walls." He went on: "You may be further upset to know that we also have conducted over 20 religious retreats at our Dartmouth facility, increased our work activities on churches, and encouraged Bible study among our population. These activities are based on voluntary participation and will continue in spite of your objections."

Minister Sues To Prevent Mosque Construction: Claims National Security

Black American Web yesterday reported on a lawsuit filed in Florida by Rev. O'Neal Dozier, pastor of the World Wide Christian Center, who is trying to prevent the construction of a mosque in a black neighborhood in Pompano Beach. The city last year approved a zoning change to allow the new building for the growing Muslim congregation to be built near two black Christian churches. However, Dozier claims that the new mosque would pose a homeland security issue. The lawsuit alleges loose connections between the mosque's imam, Hassan Sabri, and various terrorist groups. Dozier objects to moving the mosque from its current location in a "white" beach community to a black community near one of the largest prisons in Broward County. He says this increases the risk that radicals will find new recruits to indoctrinate.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

English Ecclesiastical Court Debating Ethics Of Internet-Ready Mobile Phones

Life Style Extra yesterday carried a fascinating report about a case that is currently being argued on appeal in the little-known Court of Arches, the Church of England's highest appellate court. At issue is whether Anglican churches can rent out space on their steeples to mobile phone companies for use as cell phone transmission towers. At least 37 chruches around Britain have done so, finding this to be an excellent source of income. Indeed the Archbishop's Council has even entered a National Agreement with QS4 appointing it as the approved installer of transmitting and receiving equipment on church towers, and creating a standard installation agreement tailored to the needs of churches. However, recently George Pulman, QC, the chancellor of the Chelmsford Consistory Court, ruled that the parish of St. Peter and St. Paul in Chingford, Essex could not enter an agreement with QS4 because T-Mobile's new Internet capable mobile phones allow users to view sexually explicit websites. Pulman held that the church should not be making money from "revolting and damaging pornography".

Pope Criticizes Mexican Legislators Over Abortion Vote

Pope Benedict XVI, speaking to reporters yesterday on his way to Brazil, attracted attention when he said he agreed that Catholic legislators who voted to legalize abortion in Mexico City should rightfully be considered excommunicated. (See prior posting.) Later a spokesman backed away from the Pope's statement, saying that the Pope might have incorrectly inferred from the question that Mexican bishops had formally excommunicated the legislators. In a statement approved by the Pope, Rev. Federico Lombardi said: "Since excommunication hasn't been declared by the Mexican bishops, the Pope has no intention himself of declaring it." But he added that these legislators should not receive the sacrament of Holy Communion: "Legislative action in favor of abortion is incompatible with participation in the Eucharist. ... Politicians exclude themselves from Communion." The story and other aspects of the Pope's trip are covered by the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times.

Activist Charges Iowa VA Hospital Proselytized Jewish Patient

In Iowa City, Iowa today, Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, will hold a press conference to focus on alleged religious discrimination and Christian proselytizing at the Iowa City Veterans Hospital & Clinics (press release). Weinstein says that Orthodox Jewish veteran David Miller has been subjected to evangelization and anti-Semitism at the hospital. He was denied kosher food and was visited by a chaplain who tried to convince Miller that he needed Jesus while Miller was suffering acute chest pains wired to a heart monitor.

Court Agrees With Executed Man's Religious Objection To Autopsy

Tennessee State Medical Examiner Bruce Levy thinks that autopsies should be performed on the body of any prisoner who has been executed. However, this week, a Tennessee federal judge upheld the request by Philip Workman that for religious reasons there be no autopsy on him. Workman was executed yesterday using a new lethal injection process. A hearing will be held Monday to decide whether state officials can obtain samples of blood and other bodily fluids from Workman's body. The story is reported by today's Tennessean. Convicted of killing a policeman, Workman also made the news when, just before his execution, he used his last-meal request to ask that a vegetarian pizza be delivered to a homeless shelter. The Tennessean reports that when authorities refused, people from across the country sent pizza to Nashville's Union Rescue Mission.

NY Corrections Department Settles Suit, Agreeing That Officer Can Wear Kufi

Yesterday, the New York Civil Liberties union announced that a settlement has been reached in a suit that it filed last year against the New York Department of Correctional Services (DOCS) on behalf of Abdus Samad Haqq, a Muslim corrections officer who had been prohibited from wearing a kufi (skullcap) at work. In March 2007, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a companion suit alleging that DOCS should have accommodated Haqq's religious needs. In the settlement that has been filed with the federal district court (full text), DOCS agrees that Haqq "shall be permitted to wear a solid-colored, dark blue or black, close-fitting kufi at all times while on duty at Lincoln Correctional Facility or any other DOCS work-release facility." Reuters yesterday reported on the settlement.

Church Sanctuary Movement Is Beginning To Protect Immigrants

Religious leaders around the country, pressing for immigration law reform, are cautiously moving toward creating a sanctuary movement. The AP reports that in Los Angeles yesterday, churches gave sanctuary to two men from Mexico and Guatemala as 30 priests, pastors, imams and rabbis blessed them. Meanwhile, in New York a gathering of clergy at Manhattan's Roman Catholic Church of St. Paul the Apostle also focused on the issue. Participants said that their support for families who are facing unjust deportation orders might include physical sanctuary at some point. (AP)

Town Will Change Limits On Church Signs; Agrees To Injunction

A stipulated preliminary injunction has been issued in an Arizona church's challenge to a town's signage ordinance. Reed v. Town of Gilbert, Arizona, (D AZ, May 9 2007). (See prior posting.) The Alliance Defense Fund said yesterday that town officials have decided to change the ordinance that required signs about religious gatherings to be smaller in size, fewer in number, and displayed for less time than similar non-religious signs. The injunction issued by an Arizona federal court will permit Good News Presbyterian Church to advertise its church services pending a final disposition of the case.

Paraguayan Bishop May Be Kept Off Ballot Under Country's Constitution

In Paraguay, popular opposition candidate Fernanco Lugo who resigned as a Catholic Bishop in order to run for President may still be kept off the ballot by electoral officials. The Associated Press reported on Monday that Paraguay's current president, Nicanor Duarte, says that Paraguay's constitution bars clergy from holding the office of President, and that Lugo is still a bishop The president of the Paraguayan Bishops Conference agrees that Lugo cannot give up his Church position. In February, after Lugo announced his candidacy, the Vatican suspended him from exercising his ministry in accordance with provisions of Canon Law. (See prior posting.) He may now risk excommunication.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Decision For NYSE Former Chairman Has Implications For Religious Non-Profits

A decision handed down yesterday by a New York state appellate court dismissing four of six claims against former New York Stock Exchange Chairman Richard Grasso has implications for religiously affiliated non-profit corporations in New York. In People of the State of New York v. Grasso, (App. Div. 1st Dept., May 8, 2007), the court in a 3-2 decision held that the Attorney General of New York lacks authority to bring claims not specifically authorized by the state's Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, at least where the claims circumvent substantive standards for liability set out in causes of action created by the statute. The Attorney General was attempting to recover for NYSE (at the time, a non-profit corporation) allegedly excessive compensation paid to Grasso. Newsday reports on the decision.

RI Bill Would Ban Altering Holiday Concepts and Symbols

Yesterday, the Rhode Island House Committee on Health, Education and Welfare held hearings on a bill that would prohibit municipalities from altering "the name or concept of any religious or secular holiday or any religious or secular symbol associated with any such holiday." The Providence Journal reports that the bill was proposed by Rep. Richard W. Singleton after a Tiverton , RI school superintendent prohibited a parents group from sponsoring a photo booth featuring the Easter Bunny at a middle school craft fair. Instead they used a costumed Peter Rabbit. Opposing the bill, Mia Manzotti, associate director of the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns said that the language is vague and overly broad and would cause confusion.

Gonzales Speaks On DOJ's Enforcement of Religious Liberty Protections

Yesterday, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales spoke at the Detroit Economic Club on DOJ's "Successful Record on Enforcing Our Nation's Civil Rights Laws" (full text). His talk covered a wide range of civil rights issues, including religious liberty. Here is some of what he had to say on that topic:

The Department of Justice has aggressively enforced the laws against religious discrimination in everything from education, to employment, to fair housing. For example, after years without any investigations involving religious discrimination in education, the Department has opened 40 investigations....

In one case we stood in defense of Nashala Hearn, a Muslim girl in the sixth grade in Muskogee, Oklahoma, whose school told her that she could not wear a headscarf required by her faith.... I'm especially proud of these cases, because no child should have to choose between the right to practice her religion and the right to an education.

As part of our ongoing efforts to strengthen and preserve religious liberty..., in February I unveiled ... the First Freedom Project.... We also have worked actively to protect those who have been endangered because of their religion or ethnicity.... In one case a man... built two incendiary devices... and attacked the Islamic Center of El Paso, Texas....

And we saw subtler forms of bigotry, imposed not through fire, but through law, as communities used zoning rules to restrict religious freedom. When the Muslim Community Center in Morton Grove, Illinois, wanted to expand its facilities... they encountered exactly this type of backlash. The Department mediated a resolution.... We aggressively pursue hate crimes and discrimination cases like these because they strike not just at individuals but at whole communities.

Hearing Held In Challenge To NC Ban On Use Of Quran To Swear In Witnesses

Yesterday, a state trial court in Wake County, North Carolina heard arguments in the case of American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina, Inc. v. State of North Carolina (full text of complaint), after the case was remanded by a state Court of Appeals that found it presented an actual case or controversy. The lawsuit seeks a declaratory judgment that the North Carolina statute on administering oaths should be interpreted to allow a witness to use not just the Christian Bible, but holy books from other traditions as well. The complaint also asks that if the court does not agree with that interpretation, that it declare the statute unconstitutional. Yesterday's Winston-Salem Journal reports that the suit, filed in July 2005, stems from a case in which a Muslim woman was not allowed to use the Quran in being sworn as a witness. The state argued that the ACLU's complaint should be dismissed as being a political question.

Islamic Militants Confiscate Music Tapes In Pakistan Tribal Province

In Pakistan's tribal region of North Waziristan, armed Islamic militants began last Sunday to confiscate music cassettes from public buses and are ordering shops selling cassettes and CDs to only sell "jihadi" recordings, i.e. ones featuring sermons, or featuring songs (without musical accompaniment) that praise holy war and jihadists. Reporting on this yesterday, the Associated Press said that the campaign is similar to that of the former Taliban regime that banned music, movies, TV and other forms of entertainment in its attempt to strictly enforce Islamic law.

Preacher Challenges Permit Requirement and Noise Limits Imposed By Alabama City

Last week a federal lawsuit was filed on behalf of Christian evangelist, Rev. Wesley Sewell, against the city of Jacksonville, Alabama, challenging its ordinance that severely limits the use of loudspeakers and its requirement to obtain a permit before preaching on public sidewalks. (ADF Press Release.) The complaint (full text) says that the city's prohibition on sound devices that can be heard more than 10 feet away and the city's permit requirement that has no written guidelines, violate Sewell's free speech, due process, equal protection and free exercise rights under the U.S. Constitution, as well as his rights under the Alabama Constitution's Religious Freedom Amendment.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Wall Street Journal Profiles Alliance of Russian Rabbi and Putin

Today's Wall Street Journal carries a front page article [subscription required] on Russia's powerful Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Berel Lazar and his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The article says that Lazar's organization, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, was promoted by Putin in 2000 as part of his battle against oligarch and media mogul Vladimir Gusinsky who had led a competing organization, the Jewish Congress. Critics say that in exchange for Putin's support-- including support in gaining control of millions of dollars of Jewish communal property from the state-- Lazar has played down anti-Semitism in Russia and lobbied for Mr. Putin abroad. [Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

Christian Group Supports Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Today's New York Times reports on activities of a new coalition of over 100 largely evangelical Christian leaders who are pressing for comprehensive immigration reform. Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform pushes generally for bills that combine increased border security with guest worker and legalization programs. The group plans to initially focus on media and church members in Arizona, Florida, Kansas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. A press release by Faith in Public Life says that the group "will will place ads nationally and locally in newspapers and mobilize at least 200,000 letters, tens of thousands of calls, and hundreds of lobby visits to Members of Congress by the August recess."

9th Circuit Rejects Religious Challenge To Social Security

Yesterday in Hansen v. Department of Treasury, (9th Cir., May 7, 2007), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals avoided deciding a Constitutional challenge to 26 USC 1402(g), the Internal Revenue Code provision that grants an exemption from Social Security taxes only to members of "a recognized religious sect ... [with] established tenets or teachings... by reason of which [the taxpayer] is conscientiously opposed to acceptance of the benefits of any private or public insurance...."

Jonathan Hansen, a Mormon, said he interpreted the teachings of his church as being opposed to participation in the Social Security system. The court held that the Anti-Injunction Act precludes it from deciding Hansen's claim that he is eligible for the exemption or else that the portion of the statute that renders him ineligible is unconstitutional. It ordered these claims dismissed. The court went on to dismiss Hansen's claims challenging the requirement to have a social security number and his claim that various Treasury regulations unconstitutionally discriminate against him. The court said that Hansen's complaint failed to specify which regulations and statutes are being challenged. Reuters yesterday reported on the decision and Hansen's reaction to it. [Thanks to How Appealing for the lead.]

In St. Louis: Voter Education or Church-State Breach?

In an innovative attempt to educate the public on use of new touch-screen voting technology, the St. Louis Election Board has raised an interesting church-state issue. According to today's St. Louis Post Dispatch, the Board has loaned the new machines to two different churches for use in their congregational votes on new pastors. Election board workers volunteered their time in at least one of the cases. Then election-board chairman Ed Martin says that this is part of an outreach program, especially to ethnic communities. However, Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State says: "Internal church business is absolutely, positively no business of the St. Louis Board of Elections."

Florida Episcopal Diocese Prevails Against Breakaway Church

In Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Florida, Inc. v. Lebhar, (FL 4th Cir., April 27, 2007), a Florida state circuit court upheld the claim of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida to the Jacksonville property on which the break away Church of the Redeemer is located. The court held that in an hierarchical church, a civil court is required to respect the determination by the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese that the defendants-- the Rector, Wardens and Vestry of the church-- had abandoned the Episcopal Church when they announced that the Church would affiliate with the Anglican Church of Uganda. Yesterday's Episcopal News Service reported on the decision. The court, however, refused to grant summary judgment on the Diocese's request for attorneys' fees, deciding that questions of fact remained to be determined. The court said that this aspect of the case poses the interesting question of whether awarding attorneys' fees in a dispute within an hierarchical church would impermissibly entangle the court in the internal decisions of the church.

Baltimore May Require Religious Accommodation By Condo Boards

Last month, Baltimore City Council member Rochelle "Rikki" Spector proposed legislation to prohibit rules in multifamily dwellings that "deny reasonable accommodation" to practice one's religion. Today's Baltimore Sun reports that in one Baltimore condominium, residents are battling over whether the building will accommodate Orthodox Jews by having a "Sabbath elevator". In February, the condo board voted 5-3 to strike from the contract to renovate the building's two elevators a clause that would have programmed one of them to stop automatically on every floor on Saturdays. Orthodox Jews are able to use elevators that are pre-programmed in this way on their Sabbath without violating Jewish religious law. Spector's bill had used Sabbath elevators as a specific example of accommodation, but after meeting with the Strathmore Tower condominium board, she said she would remove the example from the proposed law. Another condominium in Baltimore has struggled over whether to permit Orthodox Jews to use a security door on Saturdays to shorten their walk to synagogue. In the 2005, the Imperial Condominium board voted for security reasons to deny access to the security door, changing a 20 foot walk into one of several blocks.

ACLU Says Government Funded Abstinence Program Is Religiously Based

The ACLU has charged in a letter to the Secretary of Health and Human Services last week that federal grants for abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are being used unconstitutionally to fund the Stop and Think program in Oregon, South Dakota and Wyoming. The ACLU charges that contracts entered by federally funded social service agencies require that Stop and Think presenters be Christians, suggesting that religion is an essential part of the Stop and Think program. (ACLU Press Release). The Oregon ACLU has written the Oregon Department of Human Services which acts as a conduit for some of the federal funds involved, also asking it to investigate. A posting on Saturday on Talk To Action has a longer discussion of the issue. Stop and Think's website makes no mention of religion in discussing its program. [Thanks to Blog From the Capital for the lead.]

Monday, May 07, 2007

NYC Resolution Would Mark 350th Anniversary of Flushing Remonstrance

Historians say that the first formal exercise of religious freedom in the American colonies was the Flushing Remonstrance of December 27, 1657. Its 31 signers demanded that then-Governor of New Amsterdam, Peter Stuyvesant, allow the free exercise of religion and protested his ban on practicing any religion other than that of Dutch Reform Church-- particularly his prohibition on receiving Quakers. Four of the signers of the Remonstrance were arrested. New York plans to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the document in December in a ceremony that includes descendants of the original signers. According to the Gotham Gazette, New York City Council member Helen Sears this week proposed Resolution 825 to formally commemorate the signing of the document.

Mexico City Archbishop Sued Over Opposition To Abortion Law

Today's California Catholic Daily says that in Mexico, the Social-Democrat Alternative Party has filed a lawsuit against Cardinal Norberto Rivera, Archbishop of Mexico City. It alleges that he violated prohibitions on political activity by clergy through his outspoken opposition to the recent legislation in Mexico City legalizing abortion. (See prior posting.) The suit claims that the Cardinal violated Article 130 of the Mexican Constitution which provides: "Ministers may not associate among themselves for political ends, or preach in favor of or against any political candidate, party, or association. Neither may they oppose the laws of the country or its institutions ... in public meetings, acts of the sect, or religious literature."

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
Richard W. Garnett, Church, State, and the Practice of Love, (Villanova Law Review, Vol. 52, p. 281).

The Winter 2007 issue of the Journal of Church and State (Vol. 49, No. 1) has recently been published.

Scott C. Idleman, Religion and Government-- An Ongoing Experiment, Marquette Lawyer, Spring/Summer 2007, pg. 12.

From SmartCILP:
Nusrat Choudhury, From the Stasi Commission to the European Court of Human Rights: L'affaire du Foulard and the Challenge of Protecting the Rights of Muslim Girls, 16 Columbia Journal of Gender & Law 199-396 (2007).

Bruce J. Dierenfield, The Most Hated Woman in America: Madalyn Murray and the Crusade Against School Prayer, 32 Journal of Supreme Court History 62-84 (2007).

Kenneth L. Marcus, The Most Important Right We Think We Have But Don't: Freedom From Religious Discrimination in Education, 7 Nevada Law Journal 171-181 (2006).

Prakash Shah, Thinking Beyond Religion: Legal Pluralism in Britain's South Asian Diaspora, 8 Australian Journal of Asian Law 237-260 (2006).

Israel's AG Moves To Revoke Contested Appointments of Religious Court Judges

As previously reported, in March a petition was filed with Israel's High Court of Justice challenging the appointment of 15 judges-- mostly ultra-Orthodox-- to the country's rabbinic courts. While the petition focused primarily on technical issues, the true dispute is over whether judges will reflect a spectrum of views on Jewish law. According to yesterday's Haaretz, as the date for responding to the petitions in the High Court approaches, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz has directed Justice Minister Daniel Friedman to cancel the appointments. Apparently the Justice Ministry will tell the High Court that the procedural issues raised in the petitions can be dealt with, but that this might take longer than merely reopening discussions by the Rabbinic Judges Appointments Committee. Today's Jerusalem Post reports that the legal issue presented is the fact that certificates granting 14 of the 15 elected rabbis the right to serve as religious court judges had expired before the election took place. They need to be renewed every two years, and now have been, so that a new election could take place quickly.

Rabbinic Court judges are supposed to be experts in religious law, but also have "a general or legal education" and "knowledge of languages." Also preference is to be given to candidates "who are involved in Israeli society and who have served in the army or been involved in public affairs." The modern Orthodox rabbis' group, Tzohar, is concerned that these criteria are being ignored.

Suit On Church Rental of State Building Space Settled

The Alliance Defense Fund has announced that last Thursday it voluntarily dismissed a suit it had filed against New York state officials challenging a policy that prevented the renting of a conference room in a Watertown, NY state office building to the Relevant Church for Easter services. (See prior postings, 1, 2.) State officials have now adopted a policy that permits renting space in the Dulles State Office Building for religious activities or services on the same terms as it is rented to private groups for other educational, cultural and civic activities. The dismissal in Relevant Church v. Egan was "without prejudice" so that the suit can be re-filed if officials do not carry out the new policy.

Britain's Lord Chancellor Says Veil Can Be Banned By Schools

Britain's Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, yesterday in a speech to a convention of head teachers said that the Muslim full-face niqab, as well as the full-length jilbab gown, can be banned from British classrooms. Today's London Daily Express reports on Falconer's confirmation that school uniform policies can ban students from wearing these items. Pointing to a decision last year by the British House of Lords, he said that "common sense and human rights are entirely in line with each other".

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Recent and Upcoming Books on Law and Religion

Philip Jenkins, God's Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe's Religious Crisis, (Oxford Univ. Press, May 2007).

Malcolm B. Yarnell III, First Freedom: The Baptist Perspective on Religious Liberty, (B&H Publishing, May 2007) (Press release).

Bruce J. Dierenfield, The Battle Over School Prayer: How Engel v. Vitale Changed America, (Univ. Press of Kansas, April 2007).

Stephen Mansfield, Ten Tortured Words: How the Founding Fathers Tried to Protect Religion in America . . . and What's Happened Since, (Thomas Nelson, June 2007).

Matthew Chapman, 40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, OxyContin, and Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvania, (HarperCollins, April 2007).

NC Supreme Court Dismisses Challenge To Use of Church Funds

In Harris v. Matthews, (NC Sup. Ct., May 4, 2007), the North Carolina Supreme Court dismissed on First Amendment grounds a claim by a faction of the church that its pastor and certain church officials breached their fiduciary duties by improperly using church funds. The majority held:
Determining whether actions, including expenditures, by a church's pastor, secretary, and chairman of the Board of Trustees were proper requires an examination of the church's view of the role of the pastor, staff, and church leaders, their authority and compensation, and church management. Because a church's religious doctrine and practice affect its understanding of each of these concepts, seeking a court's review of the matters presented here is no different than asking a court to determine whether a particular church's grounds for membership are spiritually or doctrinally correct or whether a church's charitable pursuits accord with the congregation's beliefs. None of these issues can be addressed using neutral principles of law.
Justice Brady wrote a concurring opinion, taking a restrictive view of the reach of the Establishment Clause. He wrote:
The "wall of separation" metaphor should only be used, if at all, in cases such as the one sub judice. In other words, the gate to the "wall of separation" only swings one way, locking the government out of ecclesiastical matters.
Justices Hudson and Timmons-Goodson dissented arguing that it was improper to grant an interlocutory appeal in the case and that the case merely presents a property dispute that can be resolved by civil courts using neutral principles of law.

Turkey's Gul Pulls Out of Race As Country Debates Secularist Tradition

In Turkey this morning, Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul withdrew his candidacy for the presidency as Parliament once again failed to muster the quorum necessary to proceed with a vote. Members of Parliament from Turkey's secularist party again boycotted the session. (AP). These developments occurred as tens of thousands of Turks demonstrated in Manisa in support of Turkey's secularist tradition and against the perceived increase of Islamic influence that would follow from Gul's election. (New York Times.) Gul's AK Party has Islamic roots, but claims that it is modern and has moved beyond its Islamic roots. (CNN).

Meanwhile this morning two papers in Britain have interesting analyses of the tensions in Turkey. The Guardian says:
The conflict has been as much about political power and class as it has been about Islam. The simple version paints out inconvenient facts: Erdogan's avowed support for secularism, an AKP whose leadership rejects the label of Islamist, and a programme dedicated to gaining EU membership and attracting foreign investment.

But underpinning this confrontation is something more mundane. It is the fear of the wealthy, highly educated and westernised elite that has traditionally run Turkey - and who are secular - of being pushed aside by a newly-powerful group made up of the urban poor and the lower-middle classes, a group that is conservative and religiously observant.
Today's London Times reports that the complex dispute has become symbolized by controversy over whether Turkish women should wear the the Islamic headscarf. Gul's wife does.

Impacting all of this is a vote in Parliament last Thursday giving initial support to an AKP proposal for direct popular election of the President, instead of the President being elected by Parliament. (Sunday's Zaman). (See prior related posting.)

UPDATE: Monday's Turkish Daily News also has an analysis of the situation, saying that it is more a political battle than a religious one. And a Newsweek columnist reports on his interview with Abdullah Gul who denies that the AKP has an Islamist agenda.

California County Wants To Issue Permits For Religious Use of Roadkill

California's Calaveras County Fish and Game Commission has formally requested the state Department of Fish and Game for permission to issue permits to practitioners of Native American religions so they can salvage dead birds and animals for religious purposes. Today's Stockton (CA) Record says that the issue was raised when former prison chaplain, Fred Velasquez, was cited by a game warden for picking up a dead red-tail hawk near a California highway. Velasquez uses bones and feathers from dead animals to make the regalia used in ceremonies of the Roundhouse tradition.

Author Says LDS Church Historically Suports Church-State Separation

Yesterday's Salt Lake Tribune carries an article by author Gary Bergera chronicling a long history of formal pronouncements of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in support of separation of church and state. This article comes as the media focus more and more on the views of Mitt Romney, the Mormon former governor of Massachusetts who is seeking the Republican nomination for the Presidency in 2008. Yesterday Romney gave the commencement address Regent University, founded by televangelist Pat Robertson. He did not discuss his religious beliefs in his address. (Washington Post).

Court Official Says Bailiff Wrong In Asking Witness To Remove Kippah

A Jackson County, Illinois court bailiff acted inappropriately last month when he asked Benjamin Sloan, an Orthodox Jew, appearing as a witness in a civil case, to remove his kippah (skullcap) in the courtroom. That is the conclusion of the court's Director of Operations Linda Austin, who said: "Any individuals with religious garb, be it a Muslim scarf or a skullcap, should never be asked to remove them before entering the courthouse or a courtroom." The Southern today reports that Sloan, saying he is only a little miffed, attributed the incident to cultural insensitivity on the part of courthouse security officers.

Azeri Journalists Sentenced to Prison For Exciting Religious Hostility

The Associated Press and Radio Free Europe report that a district court in Baku, Azerbaijan on Friday sentenced two journalists from the newspaper Senet to 3 and 4 years in prison respectively for publishing an article criticizing Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. Reporter Rafiq Tagi and his editor, reported variously to be either Samir Huseinov or Samir Sadagatoglu, were convicted on charges of exciting religious hostility in violation of Article 283.1 of Azerbaijan's Criminal Code. The article, published last November, said Islam had suffocated people, made them less free and hindered humanity's development. (See prior related posting.)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Yemini Official Threatens To Replace Mosque Leaders Who Push Extremism

Saturday's Yemen Observer reports that at a meeting at the Ministry of Endowments late last week, the new Yemeni Minister of Endowment and Guidance, Hamoud al-Hetar, announced that he would replace any mosque leaders who adopt extremism and fanaticism in sermons and lectures. He emphasized the importance of a culture of tolerance and co-existence. The pronouncement grows in part out of the unrest in Sa'ada province where al-Houthi rebels are demanding the replacement of Salafi and Wahabi mosque leaders.

Is National Day of Prayer Underinclusive?

Is the National Day of Prayer (see prior posting) underinclusive? Has it taken on Judeo-Christian focus that should be expanded to include other faiths as well? Yesterday's Daily Pilot carries comments from seven members of the clergy discussing the issue.

Texas House Approves Adding "Under God" To State Pledge

On Friday, the Texas House of Representatives passed HB 1034, adding "under God" to the pledge of allegiance to the state flag. The final vote was 141- 0 with one person not voting. Since 2003, state law has required public school students to recite the U.S. and Texas pledge, and observe a moment of silence, every school day. (Houston Chronicle). According to the San Antonio Express-News, a small group of Democrats in the House lost in an attempt to also add the words “liberty and justice” to the pledge. If the Senate also passes this bill, the state pledge will read: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God and indivisible." (See prior related posting.)

Discrimination Found In School's Differential Holiday Leave

In Troy v. City of Lynn School District, 2007 Mass. Comm. Discrim. LEXIS 19 (MCAD, April 18, 2007), the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination held that the Lynn school system’s collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the school administrator’s union discriminated against a Catholic employee. The CBA provided that in addition to general school holidays for Christmas and Good Friday, paid leave was granted to Jewish employees for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; and to Orthodox employees for Orthodox Good Friday. Administrator Paul Troy, a devout Roman Catholic, was refused his request to have Holy Thursday and Ascension Thursday off as paid holidays. The Commission held that the school had put forward no legitimate non-discriminatory reason for treating members of different religious faiths differently. The Commission ordered the school to end discrimination based on religious affiliation and to pay $4857 in damages to Troy. [Thanks to Eugene Volokh via Religionlaw listserv for the lead.]

Friday, May 04, 2007

7th Circuit: Pharmacist Demanded Too Much Accommodation For Religious Belief

On Wednesday, the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Wal-Mart was not required to go as far as an employee pharmacist requested in accommodating his religious objections to filling birth-control prescriptions. In Noesen v. Medical Staffing Network, Inc., (No. 06-2831)(7th Cir., May 2, 2007), the court found that under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the accommodation sought by pharmacist Neil Noeson would impose an undue hardship on Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart offered to permit Noesen to assist only male customers and women not of childbearing age. However, it insisted that he, like all other staff, needed to answer telephones. However, Noesen insisted that the only acceptable accommodation was to relieve him of all counter and telephone duties unless customers were first pre-screened by others to ensure that they were not seeking birth control.

The court also held that, insofar as Noesen had a claim against the state of Wisconsin, Title VII does not override the state's Eleventh Amendment immunity in federal court. [Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

UPDATE: The 7th Circuit's link to the opinion in this case has been unstable. It has been updated, but if it breaks again, search by case name or number here.

April-May Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Allmon v. Butler, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 31986 (D AZ, April 30, 2007), an Arizona federal district court rejected a prisoner's claim that his free exercise rights were violated when he was kept from attending religious services or talking to a pastor regarding family emergencies. Plaintiff did not allege his religion or how he was unjustifiably prevented him from engaging in conduct mandated by his faith.

In Williams v. Arpaio, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 31988 (D AZ, April 30, 2007), an Arizona federal district court denied a free exercise claim by a prisoner who complained that he was denied access to religious programming on television and that he is denied Pagan religious counseling.

In Linares v. Mahunik, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 31488 (ND NY, April 30, 2007), a New York federal district court accepted the recommendations of a magistrate judge to dismiss a prisoner's free exercise claim, agreeing that a one-time cancellation of a callout to attend choir practice did not substantially burden plaintiff's free exercise rights.

In Harwood v. Tyler, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 31908 (ED WA, May 1, 2007), a federal magistrate judge held that a prisoner's free exercise rights were not substantially burdened by the removal and destruction of his religious materials that deprived him of the ability to study for 30 days.

In Kuperman v. New Hampshire Department of Corrections, 2007 WL 120092 (D NH, April 18, 2007), a New Hampshire federal Magistrate Judge recommended that an injunction issue to require an Orthodox Jewish prisoner to receive a Kosher diet. He held that, as applied here, a prison regulation that suspended the inmate's right to a religious diet for 6 months for a single violation of the diet by him is unconstitutional. The Boston Globe reported on the decision last week. UPDATE: Here is the Lexis link: 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32859.

Israeli Lawyer Sues To Open Rabbinical Court Staff Employment To Women

In Israel, lawyer Naama Safrai-Cohen is trying to open employment in the rabbinical court system to women. Haaretz reports today that Safrai-Cohen last month petitioned the Jerusalem Labor Court to order the Civil Service Commission and the Rabbinical Court Administration to cancel a job tender for the position of legal aide in the rabbinical courts because it required that applicants be certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. The chief Rabbinate only certifies men. The tender was withdrawn, but the court is still considering the case.

Catholic Group's Suit Against University of Wisconsin Settled

The University of Wisconsin has settled a lawsuit filed against it by UW Roman Catholic Foundation challenging UW's refusal to recognize the Foundation as a student organization. Originally the University had two objections-- the Foundation limited its membership to Catholics, and it was not controlled by students. In March, a federal judge ruled that the University was violating the organization's rights by applying non-discrimination rules in a way that forced it to admit non-Catholics. (See prior postings, 1, 2.)

In yesterday's settlement (full text of court order), reported by the Badger Herald, and by the Chippewa, the Foundation agreed to reorganize to separate St. Paul’s University Catholic Parish from the University's Catholic student group. The University will recognize the separate student group, RCF-UWM, as a student organization. RCF-UWM agreed, however, that it would not seek funding from student fees for Masses, weddings, funerals or other events "requiring the direct control of ordained clergy." In exchange, University Chancellor John Wiley agreed to include $253,274 in student fee funding for the group in his recommended budget for next year. As part of the settlement, the court vacated its preliminary injunction orders issued in March and dismissed plaintiff's complaint.

White House Threatens Veto Of Hate Crimes Bill, But Not On Religious Expression Grounds

An odd show down is is being orchestrated in Washington over H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007, which was approved by the House of Representatives yesterday. The vote was 237-180. (New York Times.) The bill expands the definition of hate crimes to include crimes of violence connected in some way to interstate commerce that are committed because of the victim's actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. It also provides funds and other assistance to promote local hate crimes prosecutions. The bill now moves to the Senate which has not yet voted on its parallel bill, S.1105.

Conservative Christian groups have opposed the bill, claiming that it would infringe their right to religious expression. Presumably they are concerned that preaching about the sinfulness of homosexuality could lead to prosecution, particularly if someone is inspired to commit violence by a denouncement of gays and lesbians. The bill's proponents argue that it contains extensive provisions assuring that prosecutions will target criminal acts, not expressions of belief. (See prior postings 1, 2, 3.)

Following the House vote, the White House issued a statement (full text) saying that if the bill ultimately passes the Senate, the President's "senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill." Interestingly, however, the statement makes no mention of claimed interference with the expression of religious beliefs as a ground for veto. Instead it makes three very different arguments.

First it objects to federalizing as many violent crimes as the bill does. Second, it complains that the bill does not cover crimes against the elderly, members of the military, police officers, and victims of prior crimes. Interestingly, the statement makes no mention of another class that Christian conservatives wanted included in the bill-- unborn babies. Finally, the White House statement objects to a provision in the bill that does not apply to crimes motivated by sexual orientation of the victim, but only to crimes motivated by a victim's race, color, religion or national origin. 18 USC Sec. 249(a)(1), the White House says, raises constitutional concerns because it is not limited to activities which Congress could criminalize under its powers to regulate interstate commerce, enforce equal protection or protect federal personnel.

The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement praising the House action, criticizing the President's threatened veto, and saying that the law would withstand constitutional attack.