Friday, January 11, 2008

Court Bars Deportation of Christian Facing Torture In Egypt

In Khouzam v. Hogan, (MD PA, Jan. 10, 2008), a Pennsylvania federal district court barred the government from deporting an Egyptian national who had previously been tortured by Egyptian law enforcement officials because of his Coptic Christian religious beliefs. Sameh Khouzam is charged by Egyptian officials with murder. The district court held that it is not enough that U.S. authorities have diplomatic assurances from Egypt that Khouzam will not be tortured if returned there. The Convention Against Torture, as implemented by the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act, prohibits extraditing a person to a country where there are substantial grounds for believing he would be subjected to torture. The Due Process Clause requires a review of the diplomatic assurances by an impartial adjudicator. The ACLU yesterday issued a release praising the decision.

Appeal Filed By Muslim Police Officer Seeking To Wear Khimar

An appeal has been filed in Webb v. City of Philadelphia, a case in which a Pennsylvania federal district court rejected a Title VII religious discrimination claim brought by a Muslim police officer who wanted to cover her head for religious reasons with a khimar. (See prior posting.) Today's Philadelphia Daily News reports that the appeal has been filed and is now backed by several organizations, including the ACLU. The Philadelphia police department argues that the khimar violates its uniform requirements and could interfere with job performance.

Watchdog Group Asks IRS To Investigate Funding of Texas Restoration Project

The Texas Freedom Nework has written the IRS (full text of letter) asking it to investigate whether the Niemoller Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, engaged in improper partisan political activity in 2005. In a press release yesterday, TFN said that the Foundation spent $1.26 million to fund the activities of the Texas Restoration Project. The Texas Restoration Project hosted thousands of pastors and their spouses at six "Pastors’ Policy Briefings", during which Governor Rick Perry, then seeking reelection, spoke. TFN charges that "speakers and organizers were enthusiastic in their praise for Gov. Perry at each of the events. They also encouraged pastors at the gatherings to mount voter registration drives and turn congregants out at the polls. The group's ostensible goal was to win voter approval in November 2005 for a state constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage and civil unions. Those efforts, however, appear to have masked a sophisticated voter identification and mobilization strategy intended to benefit the Perry campaign in 2006..." Yesterday's Dallas News reports on developments and denials by the governor's office of any improper conduct.

European Muslims Sign Charter Pledging Respect For Civil Law

In Brussels yesterday, representatives of 400 Islamic organizations in Europe signed a European Muslims' Charter of Values that had been drafted by the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe. KUNA and AKI report on developments. The 26-point document emphasizes that "Muslims of Europe respect the laws of the land and the authorities that uphold them and as European citizens Muslims of Europe consider it their duty to work for the common good of society."

Commons Passes Criminal Justice Bill; Debates Hate Speech and Blasphemy

On Wednesday in Britain's House of Commons the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill went through its Third Reading after members dealt with two different amendments relating to the expression of religious views. According to Catholic Online today, the government defeated an attempt to amend the ban on incitement to hatred of homosexuals. The amendment was drafted by arms of the Catholic Bishops' Conference and the Church of England which feared that the ban could lead to police harassment of religious leaders who criticize homosexual behavior. However Maria Eagle, undersecretary of state for justice, assured Parliament that "proper guidance and training" would prevent overzealous policing.

Meanwhile, as previously reported, inserting a provision to repeal of Britain's blasphemy laws was postponed pending the government's consultation with the Church of England. While the Church of England is open to the idea of repeal (Guardian, Jan. 10), Britain's Evangelical Alliance is more skeptical, calling for broader consultations. Friday's Christian Today quotes Dr. Don Horrocks, Head of Public Affairs at the Evangelical Alliance: "When Parliament prioritises the abolition of legislation it is not a neutral act. It sends out a signal to society about what values it considers to be important. In this case the message suggests that there is no longer a place for respect for the sacred in society."

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Sandeford v. Plummer, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 95403 (ND CA, Dec. 21, 2007), a California federal district judge found that a Muslim inmate raised free exercise claims regarding failure to furnish an Islamic diet, restrictions on his Islamic dress, access to religious services and impairment of his holy day celebrations. However the court dismiss the claims with leave to amend to name each defendant who violated his rights. The court took similar action as to plaintiff's equal protection claim regarding wearing of his Kufi head covering.

In Amaker v. Goord, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 92824 (WD NY, Dec. 18, 2007), a New York federal district judge accepted a magistrate's report and recommendations in two related cases. In Attica prison, a correction officer had removed several Nation of Islam members from religious instruction and told them "to either change their religion or cut their hair" because "only Rastafarian[s] could wear dreadlock[s]." The magistrate recommended that defendants be enjoined from barring plaintiffs from NOI services and classes and from punishing plaintiffs for refusing to cut their hair or change their religious affiliation. The two decisions from the federal magistrate judge are Amaker v. Goord, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 95373 (March 9, 2007) and Fluellen v. Goord, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 95374 (March 12, 2007).

Ingram v. Craven, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 1377 (D ID, Jan. 8, 2008) involves a damage claim by a former inmate objecting to a recommendation that he be denied parole because of his refusal to participate in a religious-based AA/NA substance abuse program. After finding some of the defendants had absolute immunity, an Idaho federal district judge ordered the claim against one remaining defendant to be taken to mediation.

Colorado County Settles RLUIPA Suit, Permits Church To Build

Yesterday's Aspen (CO) Times reports on the settlement of a RLUIPA lawsuit by Pitkin, Colorado County Commissioners. The settlement will allow Grace Church of the Roaring Fork Valley to build a new facility on an 18.5 acre parcel in Emma, Colorado, subject to limits on future expansion. Attorneys will now negotiate damages for the construction delay.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Court Strikes Down Gideon Bible Distribution In Elementary School

Yesterday in Roark v. South Iron R-1 School District, (ED MO, Jan. 8, 2008), a Missouri federal district court held that a Missouri school district's policy permitting adult members of Gideons International to distribute Bibles to elementary school students on school property during the school day violates the Establishment Clause. Both an earlier policy that permitted distribution in the classroom, and a subsequent policy that limited distribution to the cafeteria and in front of administrative offices, were undertaken for the purpose of promoting Christianity and have the effect of endorsing religion to impressionable elementary school students. Banning distribution does not constitute impermissible viewpoint discrimination. The court left open for future determination the claim that the practice also violates the Missouri state constitution. The AP reported yesterday that Liberty Counsel, representing the school board, said an appeal would be filed. The 8th Circuit has already upheld the district court's grant of a preliminary injunction in the case. (See prior posting.)

Bush To Visit Christian Holy Sites During Mideast Trip

AFP yesterday reported that during his current trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories, President Bush will visit a number of Christian holy sites. Today he will travel to Bethlehem. Jesus' birthplace. On Friday he will fly to the Sea of Galilee where Jesus delivered many of his sermons, will visit the ruins of Capernaum, the village where Jesus later lived, and Mount of the Beatitudes, where Jesus likely delivered his Sermon on the Mount. In addition to visiting Christian sites, Bush will tour Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, an obligatory stop for every visiting head of state. The White House website features an ongoing log on the trip by Press Secretary Dana Perino.

1st Circuit Sides With Army Doctor In Her Conscientious Objector Claim

In Hanna v. Secretary of the Army, (1st Cir., Jan. 9, 2008), the U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision held that the Army's Conscientious Objector Review Board had no basis in fact for denying conscientious objector status to Army doctor, Captain Mary Hanna. It rejected the Army's reliance on the timing of Hanna's claim and its argument that Hanna’s beliefs were not gained through rigorous training, study or contemplation. Chief Judge Boudin, dissenting, argued that pacifism is not a belief of Hanna's Coptic Church, that her position could not easily be described as reflecting rigorous study, and that the timing of her application could be considered as a factor. The majority's decision affirmed last year's decision by a Massachusetts federal district court. (See prior posting.) Today's Boston Globe reports on the 1st Circuit decision. [Thanks to How Appealing for the lead.]

Voter ID Oral Argument Includes Exchange On Religious Objectors

In yesterday's oral arguments (full transcript) in the U.S. Supreme Court in Crawford v. Marion County Board of Elections-- a challenge to Indiana's voter identification law-- the following exchange took place between Justice Scalia and Paul Smith arguing on behalf of petitioners:
JUSTICE SCALIA: ... In this case you're claiming there's a problem for people who, for religious reasons, don't want to have their photograph taken. Do we know that if that's the reason that they assert, I can't get the photograph, the State will say you can't vote?

MR. SMITH: I must be misunderstanding. We have every reason to think that they will let them vote. The only problem with that exemption, like the indigency exception, is that it's kind of gratuitively burdensome in that you have to go down to the county seat to vote every time; you can't vote in your polling place because you have to fill out this affidavit every time you vote.
The added burden on Amish, Mennonites and others in the state who have religious objections to being photographed for an ID card was discussed more fully in Petitioner's brief as well as in an amicus brief filed by the League of Women Voters. (See prior posting.)

Indiana Senate Moves To Non-Sectarian Opening Prayer

Facing threats of a lawsuit, Indiana' Senate on Tuesday switched to a non-sectarian opening prayer. Yesterday's Indianapolis Star reports that the ACLU, which had previously sued the Indiana House to challenge its sectarian opening prayers, had threatened a similar suit against the Senate after it opened with an overtly Christian prayer in November. (See prior related posting.)

NJ Civil Rights Division Refuses To End Probe of Pavilion Barring Civil Unions

According to yesterday's Bridgewater (NJ) Courier News and today's Asbury Park Press, the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights (DCR) has denied a motion filed by the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to dismiss complaints filed against it by two lesbian couples. The DCR is investigating the Camp Meeting Association's refusal to permit civil unions at its Boardwalk Pavilion. A central issue is whether Camp Meeting Association is a religious organization that is exempt from the public accommodation provisions of New Jersey's Law Against Discrimination. (See AG Formal Opinion No. 1-2007). The ACLU of New Jersey representing complainants argues that the Association is separate from its parent organization, the United Methodist Church. Even though the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in 1979 that the Association is a religious organization, DCR is looking into whether its status has subsequently changed. (See prior related posting.)

8th Circuit Denies En Banc Review of Decision on Faith-Based Prison Program

The Quad City Times reports that yesterday the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals denied en banc review in Americans United For Separation of Church and State v. Prison Fellowship Ministries. Last month, a 3-judge panel concluded that a state funded faith-based rehabilitation program operated in an Iowa prison by InnerChange violates the Establishment Clause. (See prior posting.)

Compromise Reached On Repeal of British Blasphemy Laws

In Britain's House of Commons yesterday, Liberal Democratic MP Evan Harris withdrew his proposed Criminal Justice bill amendment that would have abolished Britain's blasphemy laws after Justice Minister Maria Eagle promised a compromise. The government will consult with the Church of England, and subject to those discussions the government will propose amendments to abolish the offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel when the bill reaches the House of Lords. BBC News yesterday and The Guardian today report on these developments, and Ekklesia has further background on efforts to repeal the laws. (See prior related posting.) [Thanks to Matthew Caplan for the lead.]

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Russia Reasserts Control Over Orthodox Cathedral In France

Last spring, a 1917 split between the Orthodox Church in Russia and congregations outside Russia was largely healed as leaders of the Church Abroad reconciled with the Church in Russia. However some Orthodox congregations in Europe and the United States have refused to go along with the reconciliation. (See prior posting.) In France, Russian authorities are taking steps reassert control over the dissident congregations. Today's New York Times reports that lawyers for the Russian government have obtained a court order from a French court permitting them to proceed with an inventory of the building and contents of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Nice. Russian diplomats in Paris say the church was leased by Czar Nicholas II to the archbishop of St. Petersburg, and that the 99-year lease expired on Dec. 31, 2007. So, they say, the property should revert to the Russian state.

British Airways Employee Loses Suit Over Rules On Jewelry

British Airways employee Nadia Eweida who was seeking back pay and damages after she was temporarily suspended for wearing small cross around her neck has lost her suit in a Reading Employment Tribunal. While the airline eventually changed its uniform rules to permit employees to wear religious symbols (see prior posting), the Tribunal ruled yesterday that Eweida did not suffer religious discrimination because she was not treated less favorably that others in similar circumstances. The airline's prior rules precluded wearing of jewelry unless it could be hidden from view. Today's London Telegraph , The Mirror and Personnel Today all report on the Tribunal's ruling.

Does School's Santa Hat Ban Amount To Religious Discrimination?

What counts as religious discrimination? Today's South Washington County, Minnesota Bulletin carries a story about two local junior high students who claim religious discrimination because the school principal asked them to remove Santa hats they wore to school just before break. Grove Junior High School vice-principal Dale Wolpers says the school has a no-hat policy to prevent disruptive behavior. Students grab each others hats. But Emily Springer and Kristen McVey claim they were discriminated against because on one day earlier in the year two Hmong students were allowed to wear hats associated with the Hmong New Year.

British Magistrate Reprimanded Over Conduct Regarding Niqab

In Britain, Justice Secretary Jack Straw yesterday issued a formal reprimand to Manchester magistrate Ian Murray who last June walked out of a hearing in a criminal case in which the Muslim woman charged with wrecking her council house with graffiti appeared in court wearing a niqab-- a full face veil. Yesterday's Daily Mail and today's Daily Express report that Straw, in his role as Lord Chancellor, ordered lay magistrate Murray (a taxi driver) to get further training in judicial procedure. While Straw himself asks women wearing a niqab to remove it when dealing with him, here the Judicial Communications Office said that the reprimand was because of the magistrate's in-court behavior, not because of his attitude toward the niqab.

Officer Sues Coast Guard To Avoid Immunization With Vaccine From Fetus' Cells

The Alliance Defense Fund last month filed suit on behalf of a U.S. Coast Guard officer seeking a religious exemption from the requirement the officer receive a Hepatitis A vaccination. (Press release (Jan. 4).) The complaint (full text) in Healy v. United States Coast Guard, (D DC, filed Dec. 28, 2007) alleges that the Hepatitis A vaccines available in the United States have all been developed from cells taken from an aborted fetus. Plaintiff, Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Healy, says that his Catholic religious beliefs preclude him from receiving these vaccines since this would amount to participation in societal structures that facilitate abortion. A Coast Guard officer denied his requested exemption from immunization, claiming that that receiving the vaccine does not violate Catholic doctrine. The lawsuit alleges that the exemption denial violates Healy's free exercise rights and violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. [Thnaks to Bob Ritter for the lead.]