Thursday, January 24, 2008

Denver Archbishop Criticizes Bill That Would Limit Religious Hiring Preferences

Denver Archbishop Charles J. Chaput is criticizing a bill pending in the Colorado legislature that would prohibit religious organizations from using religious criteria in hiring of any person whose position is paid for by government grant funds. The Catholic News Agency reported yesterday that House Bill 1080 could prevent Catholic non-profit organizations from preferring Catholics for key leadership positions. The Archbishop has threatened to end Catholic Charities' involvement in government funded programs if the bill passes, saying that it would threaten the religious identity of the organization. The Colorado Catholic Conference says it understands that the Anti-Defamation League has been a leading advocate of the bill, and called on the ADL to distance itself from the proposal. The ADL's website contains a 2001 statement on President Bush's faith-based initiative, calling for safeguards including ensuring "that taxpayer money does not fund religious discrimination in the hiring and firing of people who will deliver the services."

UPDATE: At a news conference yesterday in the Vatican, Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes set out his support for Archbishop Chaput’s position on Colorado HB 1080. (CNA).

Afghan Student Sentenced To Death For Distributing Article On Quranic Verses

The Chronicle of Higher Education yesterday reported that a journalism student at Afghanistan’s Balkh University was sentenced to death on Tuesday for distributing material found by a religious court to be insulting to Islam. The student, Sayad Parwez Kambaksh, apparently distributed an article he found on the Internet that commented on verses in the Quran about women. Radio Free Afghanistan says that the case now moves on to the first of two appeals. Journalist organizations in Afghanistan have called on President Hamid Karzai to pardon Kambaksh. The Institute for War and Peace Reporting claims that Kambakhsh was prosecuted in order to punish his brother, a reporter who has written pieces critical of very powerful commanders in Balkh and other northern provinces.

UPDATE: On Feb. 6, The Independent quoted Afghan ministerial aide, Najib Manalai, who said of Kambaksh: "I am not worried for his life. I'm sure Afghanistan's justice system will find the best way to avoid this sentence."

Dutch Government Will Ban Burqa In Schools and Government Offices

Reuters and Jurist both reported yesterday that the Dutch government will shortly impose a ban on Muslim women wearing the burqa in schools and government offices. The Cabinet reportedly has rejected on freedom of religion grounds a broader proposal by right-wing politician Geert Wilders that would have totally banned burqas from being worn in public.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Israel's Knesset Approves Religious Affairs Ministry Proposal

Last week, according to YNet News (1/14) , Israel's Knesset voted 51-37 to approve the government's proposal to re-establish the Ministry of Religious Affairs (see prior posting) and to expand the powers given to Yitzhak Cohen, the Minister heading it. Cohen promised to equalize salaries between various religious councils and to assure that council employees are paid on time. Last month, Lod's Municipal Religious Council suspended burial services to protest wage delays. (YNet News (12/23). [Thanks to Religion and State In Israel for the lead.]

Citizens Protest School Board's Refusal To Permit Gideon Bible Distribution

Yesterday's Hope, Arkansas Star reports on the Hope Public Schools Board of Trustees meeting held last Monday at which 25 people appeared to protest the Board's decision that it would not permit the Gideons to continue their practice of handing out Bibles to fifth graders in the public schools. Shirley Cooper, spokesperson for the group, told the school board:
This has been done as long as we can remember. I remembered how I treasured my little red testament and I still have it and how many of you still have yours? It is heartbreaking to think we can go into other country and they are begging for God's word, but here in America and in our own home town, it is refused. We feel things like this are exactly what's wrong with our country and our town. What do we have to lose? We have never been sued over this before and if anything should come up we would have to pursue it further, but I know the Lord would fight this battle for us.
School Board President Joe Short said he would rather see school funds going toward education than toward defending a lawsuit. Implying that there were alternatives available, he said that students could do whatever they wanted to on their own during non-instructional hours. Earlier this month, a Missouri federal district court struck down a school policy permitting distribution of Gideon bibles during the school day.

Interview With Mikey Weinstein, Founder of Military Relgious Freedom Foundation

February's Philadelphia Jewish Voice has published an interview with Michael Weinstein Founder and President of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. Weinstein has been fighting religious proselytizing in the military. He says, in part:
I tell people also this is not a Christian-Jewish issue, it is a fundamentalist Christian versus the Constitution issue. I am not at war with Christianity, I’m not at war with evangelical Christianity... but we are at war with a small subset of evangelical Christianity...the Premillenial, Dispensational, Reconstructionist Dominionist, Fundamentalist Evangelical Christians who believe they have an unlimited right to push their particular biblical worldview.... By last week, over 6,800 active duty members of the United States Marine Corp, Navy, Army and Air Force have come to our foundation pretty much as spiritual rape victims/tormentees and the shocking thing is 96% of them coming to us are Christians themselves.

Vietnam's Catholic Church Wants Property Returned

An AP report today says that the Catholic Church in Vietnam is pressuring the government to return to it the old Vatican embassy in Hanoi that was taken by the government in 1960. This is one of many church properties that were taken over by the government after 1954. Church leaders and their parishioners have been gathering in front of the former embassy, now used as a youth sports center, for prayer vigils to draw attention to their claim. Government officials say a priest voluntarily turned the embassy property over to the government in 1960. Observers say the Church's public challenge shows that relations between the government and the Church have improved dramatically. Five years ago such demonstrators would have been arrested.

Supreme Court Rejects Prisoner's Tort Claim For Lost Religious Items

Yesterday in a 5-4 decision in Ali v. Federal Bureau of Prisons, (US Sup. Ct., Jan. 22, 2008), the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a tort claim by a federal prisoner seeking to recover the value of property that was lost when his belongings were moved from one prison to another. The missing items, worth $177, included two copies of the Qur'an, a prayer rug and religious magazines. The court's majority opinion, written by Justice Thomas, relied on a provision in 28 USC Sec. 2680(c) that precludes Federal Tort Claims Act suits for detention of goods or property against "any officer of customs or excise or any other law enforcement officer." The majority concluded that the provision is not limited to officers enforcing customs or excise laws. AP covers the decision, reporting that plaintiff Abdus-Shahid M.S. Ali claimed that the missing religious items are part of a widespread pattern of harassment against Muslim inmates since 9-11. (See prior related posting.) [Thanks to Blog from the Capitol for the lead.]

Court Says Religious Conflict With Grand Jury Appearance Justifies Dismissal

In People v. Shemesh, (NY App. Div., Jan. 15, 2008), a New York appellate court in a 3-2 decision affirmed a lower court's dismissal of a grand jury indictment on free exercise grounds. Defendant asserted his right to appear before the grand jury that was considering handing down a perjury indictment against him. However he ultimately did not testify because the prosecutor refused to reschedule his appearance to prevent a conflict with defendant's observance of Passover. The majority held that "under these unique circumstances ... the People did not offer defendant a reasonable or meaningful opportunity to testify before the grand jury." The two dissenters argued that defendant's belated rejection of various other acceptable dates to testify raised a question of whether he was making a good faith effort to cooperate.

Malaysian Authorities Confiscate Christian Children's Books Over Illustrations

Australia's Christian Today reports that Malaysian authorities have recently confiscated Christian children's books claiming that graphic depictions in them of the Biblical figures Abraham and Moses violate Islamic law. General-secretary of the Malaysian Council of Churches, Reverend Hermen Shastri, called on the Interior Ministry to amend its regulations to prevent enforcement officials from acting on their personal whims.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Nevada Dems Schedule Convention For Eve of Passover

As previously reported, Nevada effectively disenfranchised observant Jews and Seventh Day Adventists last week by holding its caucuses to select delegates to the Republican and Democratic national conventions on Saturday. Now, it turns out, that the Nevada Democratic State Convention-- an all-day event-- will be held Saturday, April 19, in Reno. Not only is that the Jewish Sabbath, but that evening is the start of Passover. Even less-observant Jews generally attend a seder, which means many will travel to be with family or will need the day to prepare for the evening seder meal. Thanks to Frume Sarah's World for discovering this latest religious accommodation issue.

Suit Challenges Limits On Pastor's Speech Near Gay Pride Event

The Alliance Defense fund announced that it filed a federal lawsuit in Wichita, Kansas last Thursday on behalf of a pastor who was prevented from preaching and distributing literature on a public sidewalk near a Gay Pride event held last June in Wichita's Heritage Square Park. Police insisted that Pastor Mark Holick instead move to a private parking lot nearby. The complaint (full text) in Holick v. City of Wichita alleges that the police conduct violated Holick's rights to freedom of speech, association and religion as well as the 14th Amendment's due process clause. The lawsuit seeks a declaratory judgment and an injunction prohibiting interference with Holick's speaking in traditional public forums at future Gay Pride Events.

India's Supreme Court Allows Religious Pilgrimage Subsidies To Continue This Year

The Hindu reports that on Monday India's Supreme Court extended its order (see prior posting) allowing the government to pay out subsidies for Haj pilgrims and also for Mansarovar pilgrims. A constitutional challenge to the payment of subsidies under India's Haj Act is pending in the Allahabad High Court, which had temporarily enjoined the payment. The Supreme Court extended its earlier stay of that order, allowing subsidies for this year to proceed. The Supreme Court also asked the High Court to move expeditiously on the pending challenge.

Suit Challenges Massachusetts Law Creating Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones

Suit was filed in federal district court in Boston on Friday challenging Massachusetts' recently-enacted law (SB 1353) creating a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics. In McCullen v. Coakley (full text of complaint), a group of pro-life advocates who wish to talk with, and distribute literature to, women entering a Boston area Planned Parenthood clinic ask that the new law be declared unconstitutional on its face and as applied. Alliance Defense Fund, announcing the filing of the lawsuit, said: "It’s ironic that Massachusetts, the ‘cradle of liberty,’ would pass a law that effectively creates a First Amendment-free zone that silences those who seek to share the truth about abortion."

Saudi Arabia Now Allows Unaccompanied Women In Hotels

Saudi Arabia has moved away from strict Islamic law and has begun permitting women to stay at the country's hotels, unaccompanied by a male relative or guardian. Both BBC News and the AP reported yesterday on the royal decree that permits the Ministry of Trade to promulgate new regulations that merely require unaccompanied women to present photo ID to a hotel manager. This information then must be sent to local police. The decision was adopted after a study conducted by the Interior Ministry, the Supreme Commission of Tourism and the Commission for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Role of Religion In Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The place of religion in the federal holiday honoring the slain civil rights leader who was co-pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, and who used religious rhetoric in many of his calls for racial equality in the United States, has always been unclear. President Bush's Proclamation declaring the 2008 date for the holiday has only this reference to Dr. King's religious beliefs: "Dr. King's faith in the Almighty gave him the courage to confront discrimination and segregation, and he preached that all the powers of evil are ultimately no match for even one individual armed with eternal truths."

Nevertheless, a visit to King's Ebenezer Baptist Church is obligatory for many of this year's presidential candidates according to yesterday's Atlanta Journal Constitution. Sen. Barack Obama spoke at Sunday services, and both Gov. Mike Huckabee and former President Bill Clinton will be at today's formal King Day observances at the Church. Huckabee will be introduced at the ceremony, but Bill Clinton-- as former President, rather than as candidate Hillary Clinton's representative-- will speak.

Meanwhile, Jonesboro, Georgia resident mark Swiger has created a religious initiative to mark MLK Day. Using the website, Swiger urges every church-goer on the Sunday before Martin Luther King Day to invite along someone of a different race. Saturday's Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that the initiative is in response to King's comment that 11 a.m Sunday morning is America's most segregated hour.

Pittsburgh Presbyterian Church Gets Injunction; Holds Disaffiliation Vote

Today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that last Wednesday, Pittsburgh's Memorial Park Presbyterian Church obtained a temporary injunction from a Pennsylvania trial judge, barring the Pittsburgh Presbytery from interfering with a planned meeting of church members. At the meeting this week end, church members voted overwhelmingly to disaffiliate from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and affiliate instead with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. A Presbytery-appointed administrative commission had written the church forbidding the meeting, but on Thursday at a court hearing the Presbytery withdrew its opposition to the injunction when church officials agreed not to take any action to dispose of church assets. Earlier this month, the church filed a separate lawsuit seeking to confirm its title to church property and prevent seizure of its buildings by the Presbytery after negotiations with the Presbytery broke down. (Church letter announcing lawsuit.)

Britsh Gay Rights Group Protests Evangelical As Equalities Commissioner

Today's London Guardian reports that a gay rights group in Britain is criticizing the appointment of Joel Edwards, leader of the Evangelical Alliance and in the black community, as a commissioner to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement criticizes Edwards' attempts to obtain exemptions for Christian groups from non-discrimination requirements that mandate equality in the provision of goods and services to gays and lesbians. Edwards said he welcomes the presence of lesbian and gay people on the Equalities Commission and said: "I would be disappointed if my contribution to this commission is only seen in the light of issues around sexuality."

2008 Anti-Roe v. Wade Activities Have Secular Theme

Tomorrow is the 35th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade. While opposition to Roe has largely been religiously-based, religion has been surprisingly absent from two national anti-abortion initiatives. First, President Bush last week declared yesterday, January 20, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. His formal Proclamation makes no mention of religion or God, nor does it specifically mention abortion. It makes reference to protecting life "at all stages", but nowhere indicates when the initial stage of life is seen to begin. It rather cryptically calls on Americans "to recognize this day with appropriate ceremonies...."

Perhaps the ceremony the President had in mind is Tuesday's March for Life in Washington. The March for Life Education and Defense Fund sponsors this annual event to mark the anniversary of Roe. Its website this year makes no mention of religion, religious beliefs or God. The march's theme this year is: "Build Unity on the Life Principles Throughout America. No Exception! No Compromise!"

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