Thursday, October 21, 2010

Maryland High Court Judge Responds To Dissent With Biblical Midrash

Maryland's highest court, the Maryland Court of Appeals, today decided a case on the applicability of the statute of frauds provision of the Maryland Credit Agreement Act.  In Pease v. Wachovia SBA Lending, Inc., (MD Ct. App., Oct. 21, 2010), three judges in a partial dissent argued in part that the majority should have "amplified" its reasoning.  Reacting to that criticism, the majority opinion by Judge Harrell [corrected] added this footnote (n.7), responding with a Midrash from Jewish religious writings:
The Concurring and Dissenting opinion's efforts to grapple with the Maryland Credit Agreement Act's plain language, legislative history, and how other jurisdictions may havetreated debatably similar facts under arguably similar statutory schemes, where not entirely necessary, call to mind the story of the Exodus. The Midrashic interpretation of the Exodus from Egypt recounts that, upon reaching the Red Sea, the waters did not automatically part before the Israelites. MIDRASH RABBAH, VOL. III 272 (S.M. Lehrman, trans., 3d ed. 1983). While the Israelites stood by the shore contemplating their impending doom, Nahshon Ben Amminadab entered the water until the sea reached his nostrils. THE JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA VOL. IX 146 (Funk & Wagnall 1905); MIDRASH RABBAH, supra. It was not until this act of self-sacrifice that the sea’s waters parted. Imagine, however, that there was a way for the Israelites to continue on their path without having to wade in water over their heads. The Concurring and Dissenting opinion here takes on the Maryland Credit Agreement Act at least up to its eyebrows; we wade in, however, only up to our nostrils.
We regret that the quality of our abridged analysis apparently does not meet the more rigorous standards expected by the subscribers to the Concurring and Dissenting opinion.

Free Exercise Challenge To Custody Decree Rejected

In Forthner v. Forthner, (MS App., Oct. 19, 2010), a Mississippi court of appeals rejected a father's religious free exercise challenge to a judge's decision giving his wife custody of their children and denying the husband separate maintenance.  The appellate court explained:
In this case, Desmond bases his claim of religious discrimination on exchanges within the record where the chancellor provided his opinion that Desmond should reconsider his attitude toward the children and "rethink the idea that children should always be told the truth." Desmond asserts that his idea regarding truthfulness is based on his religious beliefs. The chancellor's view on Desmond's attitude was in no way derogatory toward a religious practice.... The record simply does not support the contention that the chancellor's decision regarding the issues of custody and separate maintenance were in any way influenced by Desmond's religion. 

High School Cancels Football Prayers In Response To Group's Complaint

My Fox Memphis reported yesterday that in response to a  complaint by the Freedom from Religion Foundation (full text of letter), Hamilton County, Tennessee school superintendent Jim Scales has ordered an end to public prayers at a district high school's football games. According to yesterday's Chattanooga Times Free Press , traditionally Hamilton County's Soddy-Daisy High School has broadcast Christian prayers over loudspeakers at football games and at graduation the salutatorian delivers a prayer. Before the superintendent's decision, Hamilton County school board member Rhonda Thurman defended the practice saying that the prayers are part of the school's tradition anyone who does not wish to hear them can "put their fingers in their ears."  She continued" "Everybody is offended by something. I'm offended by a lot of those little girls running around with their thong panties showing, but I can't make that go away." And a parent of the student football team manager said: "People who find Christianity contrary to their beliefs shouldn’t be offended that [Christians] have the freedom to express their religious beliefs."

Iowa Absentee Voting During Church Services Concerns ACLU

Iowa law provides that county auditors may approve satellite absentee voting stations at which voters can cast an absentee ballot prior to election day. Today's Des Moines Register reports that for the first time, two Ames Iowa churches will host absentee voting during church services. The Iowa ACLU is concerned about the move, especially because of the church-based campaign in Iowa to unseat state Supreme Court justices over their decision striking down the ban on same-sex marriage. (See prior posting.) However church representatives say they will not instruct their members how to vote.  Apparently the move to have churches host satellite voting was initiated by county auditor Mary Mosiman, not by the churches. Three other churches will also host satellite voting, but not during the time of church services.

Filing Suggests Improper Conduct In Santa Rosa School Litigation

Yesterday brought another unusual development in the long-running litigation challenging religious practices in the Santa Rosa, Florida schools.  In March 2009, the Santa Rosa County School Board agreed to settle a lawsuit brought against it by the ACLU challenging various religious practices in the school system. (See prior posting.) In May 2010, a large group of parents, teachers, staff, students, former students, and community residents sued to enjoin the school board and superintendent from enforcing the settlement. (See prior posting.) In Allen v. School Board for Santa Rosa County2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 11111 (ND FL, Aug. 20, 2010), the court found that the principal of Pace High School and other plaintiffs in the original lawsuit that led to the challenged settlement are indispensable parties and ordered them joined. In response, in September a motion to dismiss was filed on behalf of principal Bryan Shell.  Now, in a motion with the court titled "Notice of Potentially Improper or Unethical Conduct," plaintiffs claim that the principal in fact never agreed to submissions on his behalf. The current filing declares in part:
These facts suggest that the two existing Defendants in this suit may have considered the Court’s invitation to the Principal as merely an opportunity for them to have a third bite of the litigation apple, and are using the office of Principal to suit their purposes without the knowledge, much less authorization, of the duly appointed occupant of that office. This prejudices Plaintiffs, by requiring them to respond to a third set of arguments and motions in this litigation controlled and advanced entirely by two existing parties.
The allegations in the filing are supported by affidavits not of the principal, but of the principal's secretary and of a reading coach who say that the principal told them he had not authorized participation in the lawsuit or any filings on his behalf, that he never saw the filings and is upset that someone took action on his behalf without his authorization. Liberty Counsel issued a press release announcing the filing.

Father Acquitted of Contempt Over Charges of Taking Daughter To Mass

Last May, in a widely publicized custody case, Joseph Reyes was ordered to stand trial for criminal contempt for violating a court order that he not expose his daughter to any religion other than Judaism. (See prior posting.) The order was issued after Reyes, in the midst of a divorce proceeding, sent his wife, who was raising their daughter in the Jewish faith, photos of his taking their daughter to be baptized.  Reyes responded by inviting a television crew to film him taking the daughter to Catholic Mass. Chicago Breaking News reports that at Reyes trial yesterday, a Cook County judge said there was no evidence to prove that Reyes had violated the order.  The video introduced at trial did not show the daughter's face or show her at Mass.The restriction on Reyes taking the daughter to church was removed in the couple's final divorce decree, and Reyes has taken his daughter to Christmas and Easter services. His wife is appealing the provisions in the final decree that permit this.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Minnesota Secretary of State Candidate Says No Church-State Separation Requirement Exists

Yesterday's Minnesota Independent reports that Minnesota Republican Secretary of State candidate Dan Severson has been giving interviews on conservative religious radio in recent weeks arguing that there is no requirement for separation of church and state. Here is part of his interview by Brad Brandon on World of Truth Radio Show:
Quite often you hear people say, ‘What about separation of church and state?’ There is no such thing. I mean it just does not exist, and it does not exist in America for a purpose, because we are a Christian nation. We are a nation based on Christian principles and ideals, and those are the things that guarantee our liberties. It is one of those things that is so fundamental to the freedoms that we have that when you begin to restrict our belief and our attestation to our Christian values you begin to restrict our liberties. You simply cannot continue a nation as America without that Christian base of liberty.

Turkey Acquits 2 Christian Missionaries of Most Charges

Compass Direct News yesterday reported that two volunteers with the Bible Research Center were acquitted by a court in Turkey on Oct. 14 of charges that they had violated Art. 301 of the Turkish Penal Code that prohibits insulting the Turkish state, and Art. 216 that prohibits insulting the Turkish people.  The charges were initially filed in 2006 after a complaint to police that Christian missionaries were attempting to form illegal groups in schools and insulting Turkishness, the military and Islam. It was alleged that they were portraying Islam as a primitive and fictitious religion that results in terrorism and portrayed the Turks as cursed. However no evidence was produced to support these charges. The two men were however convicted of collecting information on citizens without permission (Art. 135) and fined the equivalent of $3170 (US) in lieu of 7 months in prison-- apparently for using contact information people provided on their organization's website. Defendants Turan Topol and Hakan Tastan said their attempts to disseminate information about Christianity was constitutionally protected. The two converted from Islam to Christianity 15 years ago.

Delaware Senatorial Debate: O'Donnell Supports Intelligent Design, Is Unaware of 1st Amendment's Text

Richard Adams's Blog at the Guardian reports on Tuesday's Debate at Widener Law School between the two candidates for U.S. Senate from Delaware. It includes an 8 minute video from the debate between Republican/ Tea Party favorite Christine O'Donnell and Democrat Chris Coons which first shows O'Donnell strongly supporting the right of local school boards to authorize schools to teach the theory of "intelligent design" along with evolution.  In another part of the exchange, O'Donnell appears incredulous when Coons tells her that the First Amendment prohibits the establishment of religion and requires the separation of church and state.  After the debate, O'Donnell's campaign tried to explain her response by saying that the specific words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the constitution.

Kentucky Senatorial Candidate Exchange Bitter Religious Charges

The U.S. Senate race in Kentucky has spawned competing TV ads focusing on aspects of each candidate's religious background or views.  Initially, Democrat Jack Conway ran this ad focusing on a secret society to which Republican Rand Paul belonged 27 years ago as a student at Baylor University. As transcribed in yesterday's Cherry Hill (NJ) Courier Post, the ad features a narrator asking:
Why was Rand Paul a member of a secret society that called the Holy Bible "a hoax," that was banned for mocking Christianity and Christ? Why did Rand Paul once tie a woman up, tell her to make her bow down before a false idol and say his god was Aqua Buddha? Why does Rand Paul now want to end all federal faith-based initiatives and even end the deduction for religious charities?
Rand Paul countered with this ad, accusing Jack Conway of "bearing false witness" against his political opponent. In the ad, a narrator assures viewers that "Paul keeps Christ in his heart and in the life he shares with his wife and three boys." At Sunday night's candidate debate in Louisville, Paul charged that Conway had "descended into the gutter to attack my Christian beliefs."  Paul refused to shake Conway's hand at the end of the debate, saying: "I will not be associated with someone who attacks my religion." (CBS News.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bhutan Sentences Christian Man To Prison For Showing Religious Films

Charisma News reported yesterday that in the predominately Buddhist nation of Bhutan, a local court in the town of Gelephu on October 6 sentenced Christian activist Prem Singh Gurung to three years in prison for showing films on Christianity. In two small villages that lacked electricity, Gurung (a citizen of Nepal) brought in a generator and projector and invited residents to watch Nepali movies. In between features, he showed Christian films.  Authorities charged Gurung with attempting to promote civil unrest and with violating Secs. 105 and 110 of the Bhutan Information, Communication and Media Act of 2006 that requires advance government review of all films intended for public exhibition.

Anti-Muslim Sentiment Grows In Germany

A Reuters report carried today by Bernama reviews the rise of anti-Muslim sentiment in Germany. According to the report: "Germany's inflamed public debate about Islam and integration risks serious overheating as politicians compete to make ever tougher statements criticizing Muslim immigrants they accuse of refusing to fit in here." The current round of criticisms was apparently flamed by a book, "Germany Abolishes Itself," written by Bundesbank council member Thilo Sarrazin.  He portrays Muslims as welfare cheats who are outbreeding native Germans. Sarrazin was forced to resign after the book appeared, but many Germans agree with him. (Background.) A new poll shows that 58% of Germans say that Muslims' rights to practice their religion in Germany should be considerably limited. Opponents charge the ruling Christian Democratic and Free Democratic parties with using Muslims as scapegoats in the current economic crisis. However Germany's president Christian Wulff has called for integration of Muslims, saying that Islam belongs in Germany. (See prior related posting.)

Pastor Challenges IRS Non-Profit Limits With Endorsements From Pulpit

In an open challenge to the constitutionality of the tax code's ban on non-profits endorsing political candidates, a Hastings, Minnesota pastor has endorsed from the pulpit a slate of conservative candidates running for governor, other state offices and Congress after indicating in advance on a radio show that he would do so.  Americans United announced yesterday that it had filed a formal complaint (full text) with the Internal Revenue Service over the activities of pastor Brad Brandon of Hastings' Berean Bible Baptist Church. In addition to the endorsements from the pulpit, Brandon also distributed a flyer during services listing the church's endorsements.The St. Paul Pioneer Press yesterday quoted Brandon as saying:
I'm not necessarily excited about an investigation or possible audit, but to me, that's a small price to pay. This is an issue of clergy not being able to say what they want. ... It is something I've been thinking about for quite some time. I've been praying about it. I see so much around me; we are losing our freedom to speak and speak out.
Yesterday's Minnesota Independent has a photo of the flyer and audio excerpts of Brandon's sermon.

Warren Jeffs Fights Extradition To Texas

Attorneys for Warren Jeffs, former leader of the polygamous FLDS Church, are seeking to quash an extradition warrant signed by Utah Governor Gary Herbert that would turn Jeffs over to Texas state authorities for trial on sexual assault and bigamy charges there. The move comes after the Utah Supreme Court overturned Jeffs' Utah conviction on charges of being an accomplice to rape because of improper jury instructions. (See prior posting). According to CNN, Jeffs argues that the Interstate Agreement on Detainers does not apply because Jeffs is not a person who has "entered upon a term of imprisonment" since his conviction was reversed.  Apparently Utah is relying upon the Uniform Criminal Extradition Act to authorize Jeffs transfer to Texas.  Jeffs' attorneys argue that Utah and Texas have "shrouded their ungodly alliance in the semantics of extradition law."

Justice Department Files Amicus Brief In Mosque Case To Argue That Islam Is A Religion

The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice yesterday announced the rather unusual move of filing an amicus brief (full text) in a case pending in a state trial court. Estes v. Rutherford County Regional Planning Commission is a lawsuit in Rutherford County, Tennessee Chancery Court seeking to halt construction of a controversial Islamic center being built in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  Plaintiffs in the case have argued, among other things, that Islam should be classified as a political or ideological movement, not a religion, and that the proposed mosque is not a house of worship. (See prior posting.) The Justice Department's brief counters these claims, arguing that Islam is a religion entitled to First Amendment protection and that the proposed Islamic Center and mosque is a place of religious assembly protected by the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. Reporting on the filing, AP quotes the Tennessee U.S. Attorney who said: "Plaintiffs' implication that Islam is not a recognized religion by the United States is wrong and is not supported by any authority whatsoever."

Megachurch Files For Bankruptcy Protection

Garden Grove, California's mega-church, the Crystal Cathedral Ministries, founded by Dr. Robert H. Schuller, announced yesterday that it is filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Act protection. The Orange County Register reports that the cathedral owes unsecured creditors some $7.5 million, including $56,000 to the livestock supplier who supplied camels, horses and sheep for the cathedral's Glory of Christmas Pageant. The bankruptcy filing occurred after a committee of creditors refused to extend a moratorium which had been agreed to so negotiations could proceed.

Party's Ballot Listing Did Not Violate Establishment Clause

In McMillan v. New York State Board of Elections, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 109894 (ED NY, Oct. 15, 2010), James McMillan, the founder of the Rent Is Too Damn High party, sued for $350 million in damages claiming that the New York City board of elections violated his constitutional rights in removing the word "Damn" from his party's name in listing him on the 2009 New York City mayoral ballot. (Claims as to earlier elections were dismissed on statute of limitations grounds and claims against the state election board were dismissed on 11th Amendment grounds.) The city board of elections contended that ballot space limitations require that a Party's name not to exceed 15 characters. Plaintiff claims the city board of elections was motivated by religious concerns in removing "Damn" for his party's name, in violation of the Establishment Clause. The court found, however, that McMillan offered no evidence to support his charges that the board's actions were religiously motivated. The court also rejected McMillan's free speech, equal protection and due process arguments. In earlier proceedings, the parties agreed that on future ballots the party will be listed as "Rent Is 2 Damn High", thus meeting the 15 character limit.

Monday, October 18, 2010

New Jersey Environmental Officials Challenge Ritual Burial of Holy Objects

Jewish religious law requires  shaimos-- certain worn out religious items such as old books containing the name of God and certain religious garments-- to be disposed of by burial instead of merely being thrown into the trash.  Asbury Park (NJ) Press last week reported on a lawsuit in state court in New Jersey in which the state Department of Environmental Protection is attempting to require Rabbi Chaim Abadi to dig up truckloads of shaimos buried in two different sites in New Jersey. Apparently state environmental officials were present at the first site (in Jackson, NJ) when the burial took place and "looked the other way." However after a second site in Lakewood, NJ was used, officials objected to both saying they are near a water well and protected wetlands. An April article from the Asbury Park Press says that over 2000 bags of sacred Jewish texts and clothing were disposed of at the Lakewook location.  Rabbi Abadi has found another site at a Lakewood Jewish cemetery to which the shaimos could be removed. However that also requires Department of Environmental Protection approval and so far that has not been forthcoming. Apparently environmental officials are claiming that the shaimos constitutes solid waste and must be moved to a licensed landfill.

Recent Articles of Interest

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British Cabinet Minister Criticizes Cities' Tax Breaks For Scientology

City tax authorities in four British cities-- London, Westminster, Birmingham and Sunderland-- have given the Church of Scientology property tax relief even though it is not classified as a charitable religious organization by the Charity Commission. Free Internet Press reported last week that Britain's Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, has criticized the action by the various cities, saying: "Councils may award charitable relief. They should take into consideration the Charity Commission's rulings when weighing up whether to do so. I do not believe the majority of the public would want their own council to be giving special tax breaks to such a controversial organization."