Thursday, October 28, 2010

Japanese Court Rejects Suit By Relatives of War Victims Enshrined At Yasukuni

In Naha, Japan on Tuesday, a three-judge district court panel rejected claims by relatives of war victims against the government and a Shinto shrine in a lawsuit alleging unauthorized "collective enshrinement" of plaintiffs' relatives. The enshrinement took place at the Yasukuni Shrine in central Tokyo. Yasukuni has enshrined most of the 2.5 million Japanese soldiers and civilian employees who died in various wars since the mid-19th century. However, the shrine is controversial because included among those are 14 Class-A World War II war criminals, such as Prime Minister Hideki Tojo. In its decision this week, the court concluded that even if the enshrinement took place without the consent of the deceased victims' relatives, the action did not damage plaintiffs' reputations or infringe their freedom of religion. According to Tuesday's Mainichi Daily News, plaintiffs sought to have their deceased relatives removed from the list of those enshrined at Yasukuni because they objected to their identification with the war criminals also honored there. The court also rejected plaintiffs' demand for damages for the mental suffering they experienced. The government in the lawsuit claimed that it was not involved in the collective enshrinement, but merely furnished names of war dead to the shrine. (See prior related posting.)

Injunction Granted To Permit Elementary Student's Distribution of Church Flyers To Classmates

In J.S. v. Holly Area Schools, (ED MI, Oct. 26, 2010), a Michigan federal district court concluded that a preliminary injunction should issue to guarantee an elementary school student the right to distribute religious flyers and invitations to a church summer camp to his classmates, so long as he distributes them in a manner that does not disrupt normal school activities. The school's across-the-board ban on student-to-student distribution of materials during the school day is not a reasonable time, place and manner regulation of student speech.  The court also concluded that the student's mother had wrongfully been denied access to the school's "flyer forum" through which she wanted to communicate with other parents about church activities. Her flyers were rejected on the basis of the viewpoint they expressed. Alliance Defense Fund issued a press release announcing the decision. (See prior related posting.)

Science Teacher Settles Establishment Clause Lawsuit By Student

Details have now become available of a previously reported settlement in an Establishment Clause lawsuit brought on behalf of a student against Mount Vernon, Ohio middle school science teacher John Freshwater. Freshwater posted the Ten Commandments in his classroom, kept a Bible on his desk, and allegedly engaged in a science experiment that resulted in a mark in the shape of a cross being placed on the student's arm. Yesterday's Mount Vernon (OH) News reports that the settlement in the federal court lawsuit still requires approval by a state probate court judge (see Ohio Rev. Code Sec. 2111.18). As part of the settlement, the student's parents (plaintiffs in the case) agreed to forgo recovery of sanctions awarded to them by a federal district judge after Freshwater failed to comply with various court orders. Under the settlement, the school district's insurance company will pay $300,000 to the parents for mental pain and other suffering, and separately $150,000 will be paid over the next 13 years to buy an annuity for Zach Dennis, the student on whose behalf the suit was filed. Finally $25,000 in attorneys' fees will be paid to plaintiffs' counsel. Last week, Freshwater asked a federal court to dismiss his free exercise of religion lawsuit against the Mt. Vernon school board. (See prior posting.)

Cert. Filed In Kentucky 10 Commandments Case

A petition for certiorari (full text) was filed yesterday in McCreary County, Kentucky v. ACLU of Kentucky.  In the case, a majority of a 6th Circuit panel (see prior posting) approved issuance of a permanent injunction against a display of the 10 Commandments with other historical documents that refer to God in two Kentucky county court houses. In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court found the display violated the Establishment Clause, but later litigation focused on whether the counties had changed their religious purposes for the display. The 6th Circuit denied en banc review. (See prior posting.) The petition seeking Supreme Court review asks the Court to replace the Lemon test with a new Establishment Clause test for passive religious displays. Liberty Counsel issued a press release announcing the filing of the cert. petition.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

DOE Returns To Prior Policy On Religious-Ethnic Discrimination On Campuses

JTA reports that in new guidance issued yesterday by the U.S. Department of Education on bullying, DOE made clear that it is returning to its 2004 policy on religious discrimination designed to permit the application of federal civil rights laws to anti-Semitic incidents on campuses, as well as to discrimination against Arab Muslims and Sikhs at schools receiving federal funds.  Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act bars discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin, but it does not bar religious discrimination by institutions receiving federal funds. However, in a "Dear Colleague" letter (full text) sent by the Department's Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights to 15,000 schools, and 5,000 colleges and universities around the country (ABC News), the Department announced:
While Title VI does not cover discrimination based solely on religion, groups that face discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics may not be denied protection under Title VI on the ground that they also share a common faith.  These principles apply not just to Jewish students, but also to students from any discrete religious group that shares, or is perceived to share, ancestry or ethnic characteristics (e.g., Muslims or Sikhs).  Thus, harassment against students who are members of any religious group triggers a school’s Title VI responsibilities when the harassment is based on the group’s actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, rather than solely on its members’ religious practices.  A school also has responsibilities under Title VI when its students are harassed based on their actual or perceived citizenship or residency in a country whose residents share a dominant religion or a distinct religious identity.
Rep. Brad Sherman who had introduced legislation to extend the coverage of Title VI to religious discrimination (see prior posting) issued a release applauding DOE's announcement. In 2006, DOE as well as the U.S. Civil Rights Commission had apparently backed away from enforcing Title VI to get at anti-Semitic incidents. (See prior posting.)

New Report Issued On Impact of Blasphemy Laws

Freedom House last week issued a 138-page report titled Policing Belief: The Impact of Blasphemy Laws on Human Rights. Examining blasphemy and religious insult laws in seven countries, the report concludes that:
blasphemy laws are often vaguely worded and ill-defined, making them prone to arbitrary or overly broad application, particularly in settings where there are no checks and balances in place to prevent such abuses. In countries with weak democracies, authoritarian systems, or compromised judiciaries, these laws have a particularly pernicious effect:
  • Governments have abused blasphemy laws to silence the political opposition, government critics, and other dissidents.
  • Individuals have fabricated charges of blasphemy against others in their communities to settle petty disputes.
  • Religious extremists have exploited blasphemy laws to justify attacks on religious minorities, thereby fostering an environment of intolerance where discrimination is effectively condoned by the state.
  • Religious institutions, often with official or unofficial government backing, have used blasphemy laws to impose the state-sanctioned interpretations of religious doctrine on members of minority sects that are deemed deviant or heretical.

California Court Upholds Sexual Harassment Award To Firefighters Ordered To Drive In LGBT Pride Parade

In Ghiotto v. City of San Diego, (CA App. Oct. 14, 2010), a California state appellate court upheld a trial court's award of damages for sexual harassment and an award of attorneys' fees to four firefighters who were required, over their personal objections, to drive a fire engine in the San Diego Pride Parade celebrating the local LGBT community. Parade spectators directed sexual comments and gestures at the firefighters and some spectators wore sexually suggestive clothing or exposed themselves. The appeals court also affirmed the trial court's dismissal of plaintiffs' free expression challenge, finding that only injunctive relief had been sought and a policy change limiting staffing of parades to volunteers meant that there is no threat of firefighters being forced to participate in parades in the future. (See prior related posting.) [Thanks to Alliance Alert for the lead.]

Court Clears Mississippi Personhood Amendment For 2011 Ballot

In Hughes v. Hosemann, (MS Cir. Ct., Oct. 26, 2010), a Mississippi state trial court judge cleared the way for a "personhood" amendment to appear on the November 2011 ballot in the state.  Challengers argued that Initiative Measure Number 26 violates Sec. 273(5)(a) of the Mississippi Constitution that bars use of the initiative procedure to propose, modify or repeal any portion of the state constitution's Bill of Rights.  Without elaboration, the court stated merely that plaintiffs had not carried the "heavy burden" required to restrict the citizenry's right to amend the state's constitution. The proposed constitutional amendment would define the word "person" as used in the state constitution to include "every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof." Liberty Counsel issued a press release commending the court for its "commonsense ruling."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Court Dismisses Jewish Student's Discrimination Claim Against Seton Hall

In Vaynberg v. Seton Hall University2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 112634 (D NJ, Oct. 21, 2010), a New Jersey federal district court dismissed a religious discrimination claim brought against Seton Hall University by a Jewish student who was dismissed from the school's doctoral program in physical therapy for failing to maintain a 3.0 GPA. Plaintiff Farakh Vaynberg alleged that one of her instructors, Dr. Kim Poulson, refused to excuse her from class on Yom Kippur and told her to choose between her faith and her school work. She claims that this exchange made her feel compelled to take a mid-term exam on Yom Kippur in a second course offered by a different instructor who had in fact excused Jewish students for Yom Kippur. The court found  no causal connection between Dr. Poulson's alleged conduct and Vaynberg's dismissal because Poulson gave Vaynberg some of her best grades. She also failed to present evidence to support her claim that meetings with Poulson after an unsatisfactory grade in her clinical practicum (which did not count in her GPA) upset her so that she performed poorly in other courses. Finally, according to the court, no state action was shown to support Vaynberg's First Amendment free exercise claim.

Plaintiffs Can Proceed With Negligent Retention and Supervision Claims Against Catholic Church and School

In Jones v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, (Sup. Ct. NY County, Oct. 7, 2010), a New York state trial court dismissed negligent hiring, breach of contract and deceptive business practice claims brought by a female student and her parents against the Roman Catholic Diocese of New York, the Church of St. Paul and the school it operates, growing out of sexual abuse of the student by a female part-time gym and music teacher.  It also dismissed negligent retention and supervision claims against the Diocese.  However plaintiffs were permitted to proceed with their claims of negligent retention and supervision against the Church of St. Paul's and St. Paul's Catholic School.

Survey Released On Church Involvement In Distributing Candidate Information

A survey released last week by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life reports that among voters who attend religious services at once per month, 15% say that information on political parties or candidates has been made available at their places of worship. Within that group, 36% of Black Protestants report that information has been made available at their churches. However only 5% of all respondents, 6% of Black Protestants, and 7% of Catholics say that clergy have urged them to vote in a specific way.

In Tajikistan, Islamic Party's Prayer Room Burns Down

In Tajikistan's capital of Dushanbe on Sunday, a controversial room used for daily prayers in the headquarters of the Islamic Revival Party (IRP) was destroyed by fire. Central Asia Newswire reports that Tajikistan's Committee on Religious Affairs had threatened to close the room because under the country's constitution political parties are not allowed to sponsor religious activities. An IRP leader has suggested constitutional changes to recognize the importance of religion in Tajik culture.

Blogger Who Criticized Church Pastor Settles Lawsuit Against Police Officials

ABP last week reported on a settlement in Rich v. City of Jacksonville, a Florida federal court lawsuit by a blogger against against a sheriff's office official and an assistant state attorney charging free speech and Establishment Clause violations. Tom Rich began an anonymous blog on which he raised concerns about the pastor of First Baptist Church in Jacksonville. Officer Robert Hinson, who was also on the pastor's security detail, opened an investigation in order to be able to subpoena Google and Comcast to discover the owner of the blog. Hinson obtained subpoenas from the Office of the State Attorney. Ultimately church officials were told the blogger's identity and the church barred Rich from its premises and began proceedings to revoke his church membership. (See prior posting.)  The settlement, announced on Rich's blog, gives plaintiff $50,000 in damages and commits the Jacksonville sheriff's office to make changes in its conflict of interest code and develop training for detectives on First Amendment issues. [Thanks to Wall of Separation for the lead.]

Monday, October 25, 2010

California Abusive Priest Personnel Records Released Implementing 2007 Settlement

The San Francisco Examiner reports that after three years of litigation, a California judge on Friday issued an order releasing some 10,000 pages of personnel records relating to 48 Catholic priests in the San Diego diocese who were either convicted or credibly accused of sexual abuse or who were named in a civil suit.  The order (full text) in The Clergy Cases II, (CA Super. Ct., Oct. 22, 2010), grew out of a 2007 settlement by 144 plaintiffs with the diocese for some $200 million and an agreement that an independent judge would decide which personnel records would be made public. (See prior posting.) All of the documents released Friday are available at Attorneys are still seeking release of another 2000 pages of files.

Supreme Court Review Sought In Pastor's Defamation Claim Against Church

On Friday, a petition for certiorari (full text) to the U.S. Supreme Court was filed in Cooke v. Tubra.  In the case, an Oregon state appellate court held that jurisdiction over an interim pastor's defamation claim against his former church and two of its officers is not necessarily barred by the First Amendment. (See prior posting.) The Oregon Supreme Court denied review. The court below distinguished between statements made by a church that are necessarily religious in nature, and those that do not concern the religious beliefs and practices of the organization or are made for a non-religious purpose. [Thanks to Mark Chopko for the lead.]

Indian Court Holds Women Heirs of Priests Have Equal Rights To Share In Offerings

In India, a Delhi High Court judge has ruled that women in priestly families of the Kalkaji Temple have an equal right with men to share in the offerings collected during festivals. Today's Hindustan Times  and Express India report on the decision that dismissed a suit by one of the priests seeking an order to prevent his three sisters from claiming a share of the offerings.  The court rejected arguments that historically only males shared in the offerings because they are the ones who performed temple rituals.  The court wrote in part: "If one keeps the underlying principles of the international covenants and the guarantee of equality held out by our Constitution in mind, it would be anachronistic and regressive to affirm the contention that the discriminatory practice of excluding female heirs from the benefits of property rights to which Baris are attached, which appears to have existed all this while, should be continued."

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

Tony Blair's Sister-In-Law Converts To Islam; Says She Hopes It Changes Blair's Views

Yesterday's London Mail reports that Lauren Booth, the sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, has converted to Islam after having a holy experience at the shrine of Fatima al-Masumeh in the city of Qom during a visit to Iran six weeks ago. Booth, the half-sister of Cherie Blair, works for Press TV, the English language Iranian news channel. She says she hopes her conversion will cause Blair-- now an envoy on the Middle East for the so-called Quartet-- to change his views of Islam.  Booth now wears a hijab whenever she is in public, prays five times a day and abstains from alcohol despite her previous craving for a glass or two of wine at the end of each day.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Clifton v. Lappin, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111569 (WD LA, Oct. 18, 2010), adopting magistrate's recommendations (2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111473, Oct. 4, 2010), and Plummer v. Lappin, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111502, Oct. 18, 2010), adopting magistrate's recommendations (2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111477, Sept. 20, 2010), a Louisiana federal district court rejected complaints that inmates are prohibited from attending religious services when the entire prison is on lock down.

In Townsend v. Byers2010 Conn. Super. LEXIS 2285 (CT Super., Sept. 21, 2010), a Connecticut state trial court held that an inmate's free exercise rights were not violated when a correctional officer responded to his threat to file a grievance by telling him "to write to Allah."

In Means v. Nevada Department of Corrections2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 112507 (D NV, Oct. 7, 2010), a Nevada federal district court permitted a prisoner to move ahead with due process and free exercise challenges to delays by prison officials in recognizing Vedantu/Kashmir Shavism as a religion and in approving various items, including prayer beads, to allow him his religious observances.

Complaint Says Roommate Ad On Church Bulletin Board Violates Fair Housing Act

WOOD-TV News and Fox News report on a complaint filed (full text) with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights over an ad that a woman posted on her church's bulletin board seeking a Christian roommate.  The Fair Housing Center of West Michigan filed the complaint against a 31-year old Grand Rapids (MI) woman after someone in the congregation complained about the ad. A Fair Housing Center spokesperson says that the woman has the right to limit renting out to Christian roommates, but it is a violation of law to advertise publicly using religious criteria. The federal Fair Housing Act, 42 USC Sec. 3604 provides that it is unlawful:
To make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.
An Alliance Defense Fund attorney representing the woman charged with the FHA and Michigan Civil Rights Act violations said: "Christians shouldn't live in fear of being punished by the government for being Christians. It is completely absurd to try to penalize a single Christian woman for privately seeking a Christian roommate at church -- an obviously legal and constitutionally protected activity." [Updated]