Tuesday, November 02, 2010

RLUIPA Challenge Filed To Michigan Town's Law

Crain's Detroit Business reports that a RLUIPA challenge to a Hazel Park, Michigan zoning ordinance was filed last week by the Salvation Temple Church which is seeking to open a church on residential property that has been vacant since 2002. The challenged ordinance, passed in 2005, bars religious institutions in areas zoned commercial or industrial.  They can open in residentially zoned areas with approval of the city, but Hazel Park has no residential property large enough to house a church and required parking.  The federal lawsuit claims that the zoning law effectively bars any new religious institution from opening in the city.

Monday, November 01, 2010

52 Dead In Iraq After Attack On Catholic Church

In Iraq yesterday, security forces stormed a Syrian Catholic Church that was taken over by terrorists wearing suicide vests. At least 52 people, including a priest, have been killed. It is unclear how many were killed by terrorists and how many were casualties of the security force's raid.  Canadian Press reports that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq in a website message linked the reason for the attack to two wives of Coptic priests in Egypt, The women allegedly converted to Islam in order to divorce their husbands. It is charged that Egyptian police located the women and sent them off to distant monasteries. The terrorist group that is linked to al-Quaida in Iraq, says it will exterminate Iraqi Christians if the Egyptian women are not released.

Arizona To Try Utah Appointed Fiduciary For FLDS Property On Trespass Charge

An Arizona judge last week refused to dismiss criminal trespass charges against Bruce Wisan, the special fiduciary appointed by Utah courts to reform the United Effort Plan trust that holds property of members of the FLDS Church.  According to yesterday's Salt Lake Tribune, Wisan is charged with authorizing a former FLDS member to break into homes in Colorado City, Arizona, one of the twin towns occupied by the polygamous FLDS group, to change locks on the houses. Wisan argues he is not guilty because he has a claim of right over all property held by the trust. Wisan's trial is now scheduled for Dec. 16-17.

Recent Articles Of Interest

From SSRN:
From SmartCILP:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Recent Prisoner Free Excercise Cases

In Lockamy v. Dunbar, (5th Cir., Oct. 29, 2010), the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected an inmate's claim that his rights under RLUIPA were violated by officials' classification of pages he tore out of a religious magazine as contraband and their refusal to mail them out for him.

In Shepherd v. Wenderlich2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 114269, (ND NY, Oct. 26, 2010), a New York federal district court applying the fee award limitations in the Prison Litigation Reform Act awarded attorneys' fees of $1.50 in a case in which an inmate recieved only nominal damages for a violation of his free exercise rights.

In Williams v. Mathena, 2010 U.S. Dist.LEXIS 113273 (WD VA, Oct. 25, 2010), a Virginia federal district court held that an inmate failed to show that prison officials knowingly placed a substantial burden on his free exercise of religion by taking several weeks to adjudicate his religious food request.

British Government Says Church of England Is Not Preventing Bogus Marriages

British government officials are accusing the Church of England of failing to take sufficient steps to prevent bogus marriages of foreigners to British citizens.  Marriage gives the foreign spouse the right to stay in Britain and claim government benefits.  Yesterday's London Telegraph reports that the number of Church marriages of foreigners to British citizens has nearly tripled since 2005 when new rules were adopted to require Home Office approval for marriages of foreigners in civil ceremonies, but not for marriages performed by the Church of England. (See prior related posting.)

Atheist Group Forms In Russia To Support A Secular Russian Society

Yesterday's Georgian Daily reports that in Russia, a group of atheists has come together to form the "Sanity Public Foundation." The new organization is designed to support and defend the secular character of the Russian state. Art. 14 of the Russian Constitution declares: "1. The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion may be established as a state or obligatory one." The new group says it wants to call attention to the increasing "clericalization" of Russian society. It will adapt the international Atheist Bus Campaign to Russian conditions, which means driving around Moscow with signs advocating secularism posted on cars.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Malaysian Court Allows Women's Rights Group To Call Themselves "Sisters in Islam"

AFP reports that yesterday a court in Malaysia dismissed a lawsuit seeking to keep a vocal women's rights group from using the name "Sisters in Islam."  The suit was filed by the Malaysian Assembly of Mosque Youth who claimed that the title used by the women's group was confusing to Muslims. They argued that the women's group should operate under its legally registered name--- SIS Forum Malaysia.  The court held that plaintiffs lacked standing to file the complaint.

British City Council Says Christian Views Opposing Gay Rights Disqualifies Couple As Foster Parents

In Britain, a High Court hearing is scheduled to begin on Monday in a challenge to action taken by the Derby City Council to disqualify as potential foster parents a Christian couple who believe that homosexuality is unacceptable. Today's London Telegraph reports that the action was taken after a social worker discovered Eunice and Owen Johns' views. Those views would mean that the Johns could never tell a child that homosexuality is acceptable. In the past, the Johns have acted as foster parents to nearly 20 children. The gay rights group, Stonewall, backs City Council's action, saying that it is the interests of the child, not the prejudices of the parent, that count.  However the Christian Legal Centre that represents the Johns says that
One of the issues before the Court is whether Christian couples, who have traditional views on sexual ethics, are ‘fit and proper persons’ to foster - and, by implication, adopt. That the Court even needs to consider this is a remarkable reversal in the concept of the public good and the traditional definition of sexual morality.

Yesterday Was Anniversary of Cylinder of Cyrus the Great

The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies reminds us that yesterday was the International Day of Cyrus the Great. On October 29, 539 BCE, the Persian king, Cyrus, ordered what some have called the first human rights decree  to be inscribed on a clay cylinder.  The Cyrus Cylinder describes the king's policy of allowing local cults to return their gods to their shrines. It also makes specific reference to the Jews who Cyrus encouraged to return from their exile in Babylon to Judea to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Court Upholds Biblically-Based Mediation Agreement

In Woodlands Christian Academy v. Weibust, (TX App., Oct. 7, 2010), a Texas appellate court upheld an arbitration clause in an employment agreement requiring disputes to initially be submitted for settlement by Biblically-based mediation. It rejected arguments that the agreement is unconscionable because it requires "biblical scripture" to be substituted for the law of the case. BNA Daily Labor Report [subscription required] reports on the decision. [Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

Philippine Tour Guide Pleads Not Guilty To Offending Religious Feelings

In the Philippines, Carlos Celdran, a tour guide and reproductive health activist, yesterday plead not guilty to charges of violating Section 133 of the Philippines Revised Criminal Code which imposes criminal penalties on "anyone who, in a place devoted to religious worship or during the celebration of any religious ceremony shall perform acts notoriously offensive to the feelings of the faithful." Both the Philippine Daily Inquirer and GMA News.TV report that the charges against Celdran grew out of a protest he staged in September during an ecumenical service at the Manila Cathedral. Dressed a Philippine national hero Jose Rizal, Celdran shouted inside the Cathedral that the Catholic Church should stop getting involved in politics, objecting particularly to the Church's opposition to enactment of a proposed reproductive health bill. He held up a sign reading "Damasao", referring to the cruel priest in Rizal's novel Noli Me Tangere. Celedran insists he did not say anything offensive when he held up the sign bearing the name of the novel's character who. He appeared in court in his Jose Rizal costume.

State Proclamations On National Day of Prayer Are Upheld

The Chicago Tribune reports that yesterday a Colorado state trial court judge dismissed a challenge to proclamations issued by Gov. Bill Ritter recognizing a National Day of Prayer. The lawsuit, filed by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, alleged that the proclamations violated the religious freedom clause of Colorado's constitution. The court disagreed, saying that the Proclamations did not carry the force of law. (See prior related posting.)

Baptist Group Will Publish Pamphlet Defending Church-State Separation

The Virginia Baptist Mission Board has approved publishing a new "layman-accessible" pamphlet to explain why the separation of church and state is crucial in protecting religious liberty. ABP reported Wednesday that the Board has adopted a resolution asserting that Baptists cannot remain true to their principles if their knowledge or collective memory of the importance of both religious liberty and separation of church and state is altered or replaced by a false version of history.  The Resolution says that systematic efforts have been under way in recent decades to deny the historic basis that made both religious liberty and church-state separation part of the Bill of Rights.

Proposal For National Panels To Oversee Islamic Financial Instruments Draws Criticism

A plan put forward by the Accounting & Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) to create separate national Shariah boards to oversee the sale of Shariah-compliant financial instruments is drawing criticism from lawyers and bankers. Bloomberg reported yesterday that the proposal to appoint panels of experts in each country to rule on whether the instruments comply with the requirements of Islamic law is seen as adding a layer of bureaucracy in the $1 trillion Islamic finance industry. AAOIFI says that the proposal is a move toward standardization in the industry. Advisory boards for separate financial institutions will create products that will then be approved by a single national body, which in turn it hopes will create greater investor confidence.

US Ambassador To Human Rights Council Speaks on Defamation of Religion Proposal

Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donohoe, United States Reprentative to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday addressed the annual human rights luncheon of UN Watch, a Geneva-based human rights organization that monitors the United Nations. (Full text of remarks.)  She used an 8-point action plan that was published by UN Watch earlier this year as the focus of her remarks.  On UN Watch's recommendation that countries oppose efforts to create an international prohibition on defamation of religion, Donohoe said:

Protection of freedom of speech is a core U.S. value, as well as a guiding principle for our engagement at the Human Rights Council.  In fact, we view our participation at the Council as a powerful reflection of our own faith in the power of free speech:  While the issues of religious and racial intolerance entail difficult and divisive debates at the Council, we have deep confidence that over time, our willingness and ability to stand up and articulate our values will translate into results – because we do believe in the power of speech.  We are committed to working with genuine partners on the issues of racial and religious discrimination, including the OIC, but we have made it clear to all parties that we will not, under any circumstances, do so by allowing the advancement of unacceptable limits on the freedom of expression and religion. We will continue to champion protection of these fundamental freedoms throughout our tenure on the Council.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Suit Challenges 2009 Raid On Church of Universal Love and Music

William Pritts, founder of the controversial Church of Universal Love and Music, filed a lawsuit in a Pennsylvania federal district court on Tuesday charging the Fayette County (PA) Drug Task Force with conducting an illegal raid of a church concert last year. (See prior posting.) According to yesterday's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the suit claims that the raid-- which resulted in the arrest of 22 music fans on drug charges-- was conducted in a "callous and militaristic fashion" with an overly broad search warrant. 14 co-plaintiffs claim that police lacked probable cause to search them because the warrant carried the wrong address for the church and allowed a search of "all persons present."

Amish Elders Plead Guilty To Violating Child Abuse Reporting Requirement

Missouri Rev. Statutes Sec. 352.400.1 requires any member of the clergy who has supervisory responsibility over those in charge of children to report suspected child abuse to state authorities. In Webster County, Missouri, four Amish elders have been charged with violating the reporting requirements because they knew for six months that a member of one of the county's Amish churches had been molesting two of his children. In fact, the molester was formally shunned by his church.  The attorney for the Amish elders argued that holding the elders liable violates their First Amendment rights, since it is against their religious beliefs to report a brother who has admitted wrongdoing and who has been punished within the community. Explaining that the elders are not affiliated with a formal organization and held no license to perform their duties, defendants' attorney argued that convicting them would be a precedent for entrapping volunteers who are not aware of their reporting duties. However, according to yesterday's South County (MO) Mail, last week the Amish elders plead guilty and were each fined $300 plus court costs.

British Appeals Court Says Teaching Order Not Vicariously Liable For Abuse of Students

In Various Claimants v. Catholic Child Welfare Society, (Eng. and Wales Ct. App., Oct. 26, 2010), England's Court of Appeal held that the Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools, a lay community of teachers dedicated primarily to educating the poor, is not vicariously liable for physical and sexual abuse of students who attended St. William's, a school where the Headmaster and some of the teachers were supplied by the Brothers. The court concluded that the Institute did not control the school or the manner in which the teachers carried out their work-- prerequisites to vicarious liability.  The court said:
It is certainly true that the Institute's power to regulate the deployment of its members gave it the power to decide who was to be offered to St William's and when anyone currently teaching there should be recalled, and thus required to resign.... But the power to ordain the deployment of the brothers did not give the Institute the power to insist that any particular person should be accepted and employed by the managers. That decision was for them, even if they may often have chosen simply to accept what the Institute proposed....
Brother Reginald, headmaster for 11 years, gave evidence that he pretty well ran the school and that the managers largely let him get on with it. He said that they often did not really know what he was doing. But that could be said of his Board of Governors by a great many strong-willed headmasters, certainly in the 1960s. It shows independence of mind in Brother Reginald, but it comes nowhere near demonstrating that the Institute ran the school through him.... 
Yesterday's London Guardian reports on the decision.

St. Paul City Council Delays Vote To Refine Church-State Protections In Development Project

Yesterday's Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that the St. Paul (MN) City Council has delayed it vote to approve a draft agreement for a $36 million community center project that involves church as part of the plans. The proposed Payne-Maryland Project will include a city-run library, recreation center and performing arts center, but also a privately run funeral home and a building for  the Arlington Hills Lutheran church.  The ACLU has requested project documents. There is to be a strict separation between city and church spaces, and no funds raised by city bonds can be used for religious instruction or worship. The delay however is to work further on the indemnification provisions designed to protect project partners from liability in any church-state challenge to the plans.