Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sen. Frist's Full Remarks For FRC Telecast

After all the furor I noted in a previous posting , you can now read and hear US Senator Bill Frist's full remarks from Sunday's telecast sponsored by the Family Research Council. Sen. Frist is Senate Majority Leader and a Republican from Tennessee. The program was directed at Democratic threats to fillibuster some of President Bush's judicial nominees. While clearly criticizing Democrtaic attempts to prevent a vote on nominees, nevertheless Senator Frist attempted to be concliatory in his approach, saying:

"All of us who are active in politics -- whether Republican or Democrat -- need to remember the lesson of Ronald Reagan -- that we can disagree without being disagreeable. ...

"When we think judicial decisions are outside mainstream American values, we will say so. But we must also be clear that the balance of power among all three branches requires respect – not retaliation. I won’t go along with that. "