Saturday, May 21, 2005

President At Natl. Catholic Prayer Breakfast

President Bush spoke at Friday's second annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast. Over 1600 people, including 14 members of Congress, attended. The Washington Post reports today that the breakfast is modeled on the Protestant prayer breakfast that has been led by members of Congress for over 50 years. It is part of a growing number of religious events designed to attract participation by public officials. The Post reports that at these event, public officials "have become adept at at finessing the rituals of other faiths -- such as when Bush, a Methodist, shuffled his papers yesterday while others crossed themselves."

In his remarks at the event (full text), the President said: "This morning we first thank God for the shared blessings of American liberty. Catholics have always known that a society built on respect for the religious beliefs of others would be a land where they could achieve and prosper." Praising the recently-elected Pope Benedict XVI, Bush said: "Catholics and non-Catholics alike can take heart in the man who sits on the chair of St. Peter, because he speaks with affection about the American model of liberty rooted in moral conviction."