Tuesday, June 21, 2005

CLS Suit Against University of Toledo Settled

The Alliance Defense Fund reported last week that a settlement has been reached in a suit filed by the Christian Legal Society against the University of Toledo. One of a series of claims around the country against law schools by the CLS (see prior posting), the suit challenged attempts by the University to apply its non-discrimination policy to CLS. CLS requires anyone seeking to become a member to subscribe to its Statement of Faith. CLS interprets the Statement to prohibit homosexual conduct and heterosexual sex outside of marriage by those who wish to become full members of the organization.

The ADF reports: "University of Toledo officials agreed to accept the CLS chapter’s constitution and to recognize the group as an official registered student organization. The university also agreed to allow all student organizations to include references and citations to religious texts, such as the Bible, in their constitutions and bylaws. The university further acknowledged that religious student organizations are not required to abide by non-discrimination policies that would force the groups to accept leaders and members who do not agree with their beliefs."

Last year, Ohio State University reached a similar settlement with CLS.