Thursday, July 28, 2005

AF Academy Faculty Ask For Truce To Solve Religion Problem

This week's Chronicle of Higher Education carries an interesting article by Prof. Barry S. Fagin, a faculty member at the US Air Force Academy and president of its Faculty Forum. Titled Faith and Tolerance at the Air Force Academy, he focuses on the pressures felt by faculty who find themselves in the middle of the political hurricane created by charges of religious intolerance at the Academy. (Here are some prior postings on the situation: 1 , 2 ). Prof. Fagin pleads: "Resident faculty members of the academy, civilian and military, have the experience, ability, and will to solve this problem. But to do so, we need both sides to step away from Defcon 4 alert. Sheath the bayonets, put the legal briefs back in the drawer. Give us a climate where those of us responsible for shaping young minds are as free as possible."