Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Developments In New Challenge to "Under God" In Pledge

After Michael Newdow lost his U.S. Supreme Court challenge last year to the inclusion of "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, he filed another suit that avoided the standing problem that led to the demise of his first attempt. The new suit is brought on behalf of eight plaintiffs who are either children or custodial parents. Yesterday, there were two developments in the new case in federal district court in Sacramento, California.

First, the San Diego Union Tribune reported that Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled that plaintiffs could not challenge the Pledge itself, and could move forward only to challenge the recitation of the Pledge in public schools. Second, Judge Karlton permitted the Knights of Columbus and seven families who are KofC members to intervene in the case. The Knights of Columbus' Press Release said that they "had a central role in adding 'under God' to the Pledge 51 years ago, and are determined to do everything possible to defend it in this court challenge."