Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Florida's Former Secy. State Urged Kabbalah Water For State Ag. Dept.

The Forward last Friday called attention to a report published earlier this month in the Orlando Sentinel regarding former Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Harris, who gained notoriety during the 2000 Presidential election, is now a member of the US House of Representatives from the 13th District of Florida. In 2001, while Harris was still Florida's Secretary of State, apparently she attempted to get Florida's Department of Agriculture to test Kabbalah Water as a potential treatment for Citrus Canker then spreading through Florida orange groves. The Orlando Sentinel found that at Harris' urging, state researchers worked with a rabbi and a cardiologist to test "Celestial Drops". Harris learned about the water from Rabbi Abe Hardoon, who now heads the West Boca Kabbalah Learning Center. Harris denied knowing that Celestial Drops was connected with the Kabbalah Center. She said she recommended it after learning that it had been developed by "Israeli scientists".