Friday, July 08, 2005

New Book on Pluralistic America

Encounter Books has recently published The Right to be Wrong: Religion and Freedom in a Pluralistic America, written by Kevin Seamus Hasson, founder of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. Here is part of the publisher's description: "No area of civil government seems safe from the ongoing struggle between those who say only the true faith belongs in public and those who say that no faiths do. Who are the people behind this battle? ... Hasson thinks of them as “the Pilgrims” and the “Park Rangers.” Pilgrims believe that their truths require them to restrict others' religious freedom. Park Rangers believe that their freedoms require them to make sure others' religious truths remain private. Together, these groups are responsible for the impasse over the role of religion in our public life. The [book] explains why the Pilgrims and Park Rangers are both mistaken."