Wednesday, July 06, 2005

New Progressive Christian Group Supports Church-State Separation

The Christian Alliance for Progress (CAP) is a new grassroots progressive religious movement. The Inter Press Service News Agency reported yesterday that the group began organizing 4 months ago and has attracted 4000 members. According to the article: "CAP's core principles include commitments to economic justice, environmental stewardship, equality for homosexuals, effective prevention -- but not criminalisation -- of abortion, peaceful solutions to international disputes, and universal health care for all U.S. citizens."

Last week CAP delivered The Jacksonville Declaration, challenging the stance of the Christian right, proclaiming in part: "We do not support your agenda to erode the separation of church and state, to blur the vital distinction between your interpretation of Christianity and our shared democratic institutions. Moreover, we do not accept what seems to be your understanding of Christian values. We reject a Christianity co-opted by any government and used as a tool to ostracize, to subjugate, or to condone bigotry, greed and injustice."