Wednesday, July 27, 2005

This Week's New Church-State Articles

From SmartCILP:
Amy Stambach, Rallying the Armies or Bridging the Gulf: Questioning the Significance of Faith-Based Educational Initiatives In a Global Age, 12 Indiana Jour. of Global Legal Studies 205-226 (2005).

Roundtable Discussion: Religious Organizations Filing for Bankruptcy. Moderator: Hon. Bruce A. Markell; Samuel J. Gerdano, Douglas Laycock, Jonathan Lipson, Nancy Peterman, Robin Phelan and David Skeel. 13 Am. Bankr. Inst. L. Rev. 25-57 (2005).

Vol. XX, Issue No. 1, of the Hamline University Journal of Law and Religion has been issued. A preliminary table of contents is available online.

From SSRN:
Richard W. Garnett, American Conversation With(in) Catholicism, 102 Mich. L. Rev. 1191 (May 2004).