Friday, August 12, 2005

Ad On Gaza Raises Issues of Appropriate Religious Argumentation

A full page ad in today's New York Times titled An Open Letter to the President of the United States raises interesting questions about the appropriate use of religious argumentation in the Public Square. The letter, from a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who follow the Lubavitcher Rebbe's teachings, asks President Bush to halt Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Gaza Disengagement Plan. Here are some excerpts from the letter:

"By endorsing such actions, Mr. President, you foster the violation of two of the seven universal Noahide laws; causing the death of innocent human beings, and enabling the theft of personal property. Will your own conscience be clear Mr. President? Can you be at peace with yourself once the disastrous and irremediable effects of these actions become manifest? Remember! This is no less than a declaration of war against G-d and his holy Bible.... America's greatness and its might derive from the proud belief that "In G-d we trust." Now is the time to listen to Him and honor His eternal bond.... G-d has chosen you, Mr. President, to bring peace to the world, and to triumph over the forces of evil. He will bless your efforts only if you make manifest your concern for the welfare of His people and their Holy Land."