Monday, August 15, 2005

LA School Case Settled After Parents Move

Last Friday the Associated Press reported that the ACLU of Louisiana and the Bossier Parish School District settled a claim that the school district had violated the Establishment Clause by permitting a teacher-led prayer group during recess, and various Christmas activities. The suit, brought on behalf of parents of two school children, claimed that the children were sent to computer lab while others practices Christmas carols with religious themes. Also the school displayed a nativity scene in the library during the holiday season. On April 4, the U.S. District Court partially dismissed the case because the family had moved. The school's position was defended by the Alliance Defense Fund, whose attorney, Mike Johnson, said: "Stockwell Place Elementary School's display of a creche was unquestionably lawful and legitimate, and its allowance for equal access for Christian student organizations is in perfect compliance with the First Amendment." (ADF announcement of settlement.)