Saturday, September 17, 2005

White House On Faith-Based Initiatives and Katrina

The White House has posted on its web site the transcript on an online "Ask the White House" forum in which Jim Towey, Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives discusses the role of religious organizations in Hurricane Katrina relief. The posting includes Towey's answers to a dozen different questions from around the country on relief measures and other topics. Here is an example:
Tom, from Gaithersburg, MD writes: Why does huricane releief have to be "faith based". Why can't people withouth "faith" get huricane relief? Thomas Munro

Jim Towey: Hi Tom. Just to be clear, people without faith are equally eligible to receive disaster assistance. There is not a "faith test" for aid. And people very devout in their faith or with no faith at all have been volunteering and helping serve hot meals to the hungry and house those without home. It has been marvelous to watch.