Friday, October 28, 2005

Orthodox Patriarch Sues In Israel's High Court

Asia News reports today that the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilus III, has filed suit in Israel's High Court of Justice against the Executive, which according to him is denying him civil recognition. It refuses to issue him a decree (of Ottoman origin) called Berat, that the government claims is necessary for the Patriarch to be able to act on behalf of the Patriarchate in the secular sphere (buy, sell, give orders in respect of bank accounts etc.).

The suit alleges that the Government is making the grant of the Berat conditional upon acceptance by Patriarch Theophilus of certain real estate sales in East Jerusalem made by his deposed predecessor, Irineus I, to Israeli settlers. The sales are believed by the new Patriarch to be invalid, because they were not approved by the Synod and were made for very low prices. The Government has not yet responded to the suit.