Monday, November 14, 2005

Army Chaplain Writes Of Soldiers' Religious Choices

An interesting Op Ed by Army Chaplain James Key was published over the week end in USA Today. Key is chaplain for the 530th Logistics Task Force Battalion stationed in Baghdad. He says in part:
U.S. soldiers' attendance at Bible study and chapel service is high, and religious material such as pamphlets, holy books and other religious paraphernalia disappear shortly after being placed on book shelves. In short, a significant number of soldiers are experiencing incredible spiritual growth. But — here's what's important — it is what they are choosing. Others are turning away. It is vital that they should be free to do that. The only real faith is a chosen faith. I and other chaplains are sensitive to that. We aim to make faith available but not mandatory. The U.S. military, more broadly, sometimes struggles to keep that distinction.