Thursday, November 10, 2005

Survey On Church-State Issues To Be Released

New York's Jewish Week reports that the Anti-Defamation League will release a survey next week showing that that 64% of Americans believe that religion is under attack in the U.S., with 57% saying that Christianity in particular is under attack. In answer to another question, 56% said they believe creationism should be taught with evolution in schools. The figure rises to 65% for those who attend church weekly and 70% for Evangelicals. It was 54 percent among those who attend church less than once a week. In a response to a third question, 64% of Americans said they believe religious symbols such as the Ten Commandments should be displayed in public buildings. Among weekly churchgoers, that figure jumps to 80%; among Evangelicals, it is 89%. It is 51% among those who attend church less than weekly.

UPDATE: The full poll was released on Nov. 21.