Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bible Display At Courthouse Being Argued Today

The San Antonio Express News reports that in the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals today, lawyers are arguing the case of Staley v. Harris County. The case involves the question of whether a neon-lighted King James version of the Bible in a display case can be maintained on the Harris County, Texas court house grounds in Houston as a memorial to William Mosher, the deceased benefactor of a homeless group, the Star of Hope Mission. The state argues that the memorial conveys a message about the person memorialized, not "official government policy on religious matters." In August 2004, the district court ordered the Bible removed from the monument. The case below is at 332 F. Supp.2d 1030 [LEXIS link].

UPDATE; The Houston Chronicle carries an account of the Court of Appeals arguments. They focus on the purpose of the monument, and especially its 1995 rededication.