Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christian Coalition's 2006 Agenda

The Christian Coalition has set its legislative agenda for 2006, according to a report carried on Tuesday by the Christian Wire Service. Its top 10 goals are (1) support of multicast/ must-carry legislation to protect Christian broadcasters; (2) confirmation of Pres. Bush's judicial nominees; (3) making existing federal tax cuts permanent; (4) passing the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act; (5) passing the Broadcasting Decency Enforcement Act; (6) supporting legislation to stop discrimination against Christians in the military; (7) passing the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act; (8) passing the Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act; (9) passing legislation to protect display of the 10 Commandments; and (10) passing Holly’s Law which would suspend sales and investigate the abortion pill, RU 486.