Monday, December 26, 2005

Menorah Compromise In Peabody, Massachusetts

In Peabody, Massachusetts, the church-state issues involved in menorah displays on public property have led to a compromise plan for this year, according to yesterday's Salem News. Last year, Chabad lit a menorah at City Hall on the first night of Hanukkah, and the mayor participated in the ceremony. This year, when a repeat of the ceremony was suggested, the city's Clergy and Ministerial Association-- which includes the city's Jewish congregations-- raised church-state concerns. So Mayor Michael Bonfanti reached a compromise with the groups. He did not attend the City Hall lighting ceremony last night, and a sign was placed on the menorah showing that it belongs to Chabad and not the city. In addition, though, instead of a one-day lighting, the menorah will be out for all eight days of Hanukkah this year.