Friday, January 20, 2006

Catholic Group Seeks Student Fees For Worship Booklets

Yesterday's Madison, Wisconsin, Capital Times reports that the Roman Catholic Foundation, an organization serving University of Wisconsin-Madison students, wants to be the first group to spend student fees on activities that are openly religious. The group, which operates St. Paul's University Catholic Center is seeking $205,000 in segregated fees, and would use part of the money to pay for Lenten booklets. UW-Madison Interim Dean of Students, Lori Berquam, has urged student government to refrain from financially supporting the operating costs of "a church-related activity" like worship. At issue is the interpretation of the 2000 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Board of Regents v. Southworth, also involving the University of Wisconsin student activity fee system. The Catholic foundation's budget request was scheduled for a vote Wednesday night by the Associated Students of Madison Council; but the council delayed the vote in order to seek legal advice.