Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Concerned Women Group Supports Alito, Citing Religion Views

Concerned Women for America yesterday issued a statement supporting the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito. CWA is a public policy organization dedicated to Biblical principles. Commenting on the first day of hearings, the group said:

Yesterday, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee tried to make Justice O’Connor the gold standard to which they will hold Judge Alito. Nothing could be worse, especially when it comes to protecting our first liberty, religious liberty. After all, O'Connor thinks it violates the Establishment Clause to publicly display the Ten Commandments.

Judge Alito has consistently protected the free exercise rights of all religious people, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Native Americans and the artwork of a young school boy thankful for Jesus. He has ruled against government actions that discriminate against or unfairly burden religion, and he has rejected government attempts to use the Establishment Clause to remove all things religious from the public square.