Friday, January 13, 2006

Governor's Grant To Rebuild Historic Church Questioned

In Chicago last week, the historic Pilgrim Baptist Church, the birthplace of gospel music, went up in flames. Apparently the fire was caused by workers using a blow torch to repair a leaking roof. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, on Monday Governor Rod Blagojevich pledged $1 million of state money to help restore the facility. The Governor's spokeswoman, Cheryle Jackson, said "It's not going to the rebuilding of the church itself, so it doesn't violate constitutional role of separating church and state." The grant will come from the capital project fund that is used for community investments ranging from hospitals to schools. The grant to Pilgrim Baptist will go toward rebuilding the administration building, which housed a school, as well as historical documents.

Some are still questioning the legality of the Governor's move. Eric Zorn wrote in yesterday's Chicago Tribune: "Forget for a moment that the Illinois Constitution explicitly forbids funding schools that are controlled by churches. Reflect instead that any dollar the church doesn't have to spend rebuilding its school is a dollar it does have to spend rebuilding its sanctuary for Christian worship."