Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year To Religion Clause Readers

Dear Religion Clause Readers,

Happy New Year. A bit over 8 months ago, I began this blog, somewhat on a whim, but with the perception that there was a need for the type of coverage it provides. A half hour after the New Year arrived on the East Coast of the United States, visitor number 22,228 logged onto Religion Clause. That hardly ranks it at the top of world readership, but I am pleased to have attracted those numbers.

Thanks in particular to my regular readers. Your comments, tips, and links from your own blogs are appreciated. If you enjoy Religion Clause, please take a moment today to e-mail others who you think might like to add the blog to their daily reading.

I invite all readers to e-mail me with comments or ideas-- whether on coverage, format, linking policy or other topics. I cannot promise to incorporate every suggestion—after all one of the virtues of blogs is that they permit an author to indulge a personal style and approach without the intervention of editors and marketers. However, I will read all suggestions with an open mind. Happy New Year!

[photo from New Media]