Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Illegal Christian Evangelism In Morocco

Yesterday's Morocco Times reports that police in Marrakech have recently seized documents which confirm the existence of a secret evangelical group that has been trying to convert many Moroccans to Christianity. The Moroccan Constitution protects freedom of religion; however proselytizing is also forbidden. Article 220 of the Moroccan Penal Code applies the same potential punishment of a fine and up to 6 months in prison for any attempt to interfere with a person's exercise religious beliefs or attendance at religious services , and to "anyone who employs incitements to shake the faith of a Muslim or to convert him to another religion." The documents, seized in an apartment of a foreign missionary who suddenly disappeared, also revealed the existence of secret spiritual schools to teach Moroccans the concepts of Christianity. Moroccan newspapers carry wildly varying reports on the number of Christians in the country, as well as on the number of missionaries and converts.