Saturday, January 21, 2006

Jewish Organizations Oppose Massachusetts Financial Reporting Proposal

According to Friday's Jewish Advocate, many Jewish groups are now joining the opposition to a bill pending in the Massachusetts legislature that would require religious institutions to make the same financial disclosures as nonprofit organizations. (See prior posting.) State Rep. Ruth Balser said the bill was a response to issues that arose in the Boston Catholic archdiocese after the child sexual abuse scandals. But, Balser noted, because of the centralized nature of the archdiocese, only four dioceses in the state would have to file disclosure statements, while each individual synagogue, Protestant church and mosque would have to file separately. A statement issued by Boston's Jewish Community Relations Council argues that the bill "unfairly and disproportionately" affects religious institutions such as synagogues, which have lay-led structures. Also opposing the legislation are the Massachusetts Council of Churches and the Islamic Council of New England.