Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pat Robertson Charity Receives Millions In Federal Aid

The Virginian-Pilot yesterday carried a long article on the extent to which Pat Robertson's organization has benefited from President Bush's faith based initiative. Despite Robertson's skepticism several years ago about federal money going to religious organizations, his international relief organization, Operation Blessing, last year received $14.4 million in federal funding. Operation Blessing says it carefully follows federal guidelines that insist on church-state separation. It uses the grants for humanitarian relief, not evangelism. The largest amount of federal aid received by Operation Blessing has been $27.7 million of surplus nonfat dry milk from the Department of Agriculture over a two-year period. Operation Blessing then goes to food manufacturers and trades much of the milk for ready-to-eat puddings, soups and other products that are distributed by Operation Blessing trucks.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press reports that Israel is reconsidering its decision to end its cooperation with Pat Robertson on his construction of a Christian heritage park after Robertson apologized for saying Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for the Gaza withdrawal. (See prior posting.)