Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pope Emphasizes Religious Freedom In Address To Diplomats

In the Vatican on Monday, Benedict XVI addressed the traditional meeting of the Pope with the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See. (Full text from Zenit News Agency.) Part of the Pope's remaks focused on the need for religious liberty:
by its very nature the Holy See's diplomatic activity is concerned with promoting, among other forms of freedom, the aspect of freedom of religion. Unfortunately, in some states, even among those who can boast centuries-old cultural traditions, freedom of religion, far from being guaranteed, is seriously violated, especially where minorities are concerned.

Here I would simply recall what has been laid down with great clarity in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Fundamental human rights are the same on every latitude; and among them, pride of place must be given to the right to freedom of religion, since it involves the most important of human relationships: our relationship with God. To all those responsible for the life of nations I wish to state: If you do not fear truth, you need not fear freedom! The Holy See, in calling for true freedom for the Catholic Church everywhere, also calls for that freedom for everyone.