Friday, February 10, 2006

Catholics Insulted By Australian Senate Debate On RU486

In Australia, Parliament is debating a bill that would loosen current restrictions on the abortion drug RU486 by moving control of its use from the Health Minister to the non-political Therapeutic Goods Administration. (Herald Sun report.) With the support of many women senators, the Senate passed the bill on Thursday, and it now moves to the House of Representatives. ( report.)

Australian Catholics were particularly offended by the approach taken during the debate by some Senators who are members of the Australian Greens Party. Especially grating was a T-shirt, distributed by the YWCA, worn by Senator Kerry Nettle which aimed its message at Health Minister Tony Abbott. Emblazoned on the front of the shirt (pictured in this article from today's Herald Sun) was the slogan, "Mr. Abbott, Get your rosaries off my ovaries." Prime Minister John Howard said that the message was offensive to Catholics across the country. But, he said, Nettle has the right to express herself and it should not be a criminal offence to make derogatory remarks about a particular religion. The full text of the bill, all speeches made in the Senate debate on it, and other legislative material relating to the bill are available from Parlinfo Web.