Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Connecticut Bill Would Require Catholic Hospitals To Dispense Emergency Contraceptive reports that the Connecticut legislature is considering a bill (RSB 445) that would require Catholic hospitals to provide the morning-after pill to victims of sexual assault, even though it conflicts with Catholic religious teachings. Not surprisingly, the four Catholic hospitals in the state oppose the bill. Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell, who supports legal abortion, says she favors the current law, which permits hospitals not to dispense the morning-after pill for religious reasons but requires that they refer women who seek it to other hospitals. However, her spokesperson said the Governor would be willing to consider the new legislation if it passes. Gubernatorial candidate John DeStefano, the mayor of New Haven, supports the morning-after pill requirement for Catholic hospitals, as does Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services. To pass, the bill needs to be voted out of the Public Health Committee by March 20 and enacted by both houses of the legislature by May 3, the end of the current legislative session.