Wednesday, April 26, 2006

ACLU Questions Louisiana Mayor's Bible Study Class

The Louisiana Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is raising questions about a weekly Bible study class being held in City Council Chambers by Mandeville, Louisiana Mayor Eddie Price, according to an Associated Press report yesterday. Price says the classes are non-denominational and are open to anyone, and that they merely serve as a way to educate people about God. He said the class does not violate church-state separation-- its just about reading the Bible. Chuck Staub, a local minister, defending the class said, "All we're dealing with is Jesus of Nazareth", noting that the participants study what Jesus did and why that is important. "Everybody is welcome to come."

Joe Cook, Louisiana ACLU executive director, argued that the sessions advance Christianity over other religions, and said that some city employees may feel pressured to attend. City Attorney David Cressy, however, argued that the classes are permissible because they are a private function, primarily for individuals who work at City Hall.