Saturday, May 06, 2006

Church Sues Defrocked Priest For Breach Of Agreement

Court TV yesterday reported on the details of a fascinating lawsuit filed last December by the Catholic Diocese of Toledo, Ohio against a defrocked priest, Chet Warren. After the Diocese concluded that child abuse charges lodged against Warren were credible, it expelled him from his religious order and banned him from any form of religious ministry. However, the Diocese allowed Warren to continue to attend Mass. Also the pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church agreed with Warren that he could visit a separate Eucharistic Chapel that is inside the Church, but only at limited times and under restricted conditions. Parishioners, however, discovered that Warren was violating his agreement by visiting the chapel at hours of his own choosing and while wearing clerical garb. The chapel is close to areas of the church frequented by children. So the Diocese has sued Warren for breach of contract and trespass, asking the court to order Warren to abide by his agreement or else to exclude him totally from any part of Blessed Sacrament church’s premises.

The complaint (full text) also asks for nominal monetary damages. Warren has filed an answer (full text) containing general denials and several affirmative defenses.