Friday, May 19, 2006

Louisiana House Defeats Anti-Discrimination Bill

By a vote of 39 in favor, and 55 against, the Louisiana House of Representatives on Tuesday defeated HB 853. The bill would have prohibited harassment or discrimination in employment or the provision of services by any state agency on the basis of religion, as well as on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, or disabilities. The Associated Press reports that the bill would have put into permanent law a ban that is now in place through Executive Order KBB 2004-54 that expires at the end of current governor Kathleen Blanco's term of office. A similar bill, SB 347, had also been introduced in the Senate, but had not reached a final vote. The House defeat is attributable to the provisions in the bill that would protect gays and lesbians from discriminatory treatment.