Monday, June 19, 2006

ADF Trying To Shape Foreign Law, In Case US Courts Cite It

The Alliance Defense Fund is a conservative Christian legal advocacy group whose usual cases involve the defense of religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and traditional family values in the United States. U.S. News & World Report this past week focuses on a new strategic direction being taken by ADF. Like other conservative organizations, ADF has become increasingly concerned about the citation of foreign law by U.S. courts. So now ADF is moving to try to shape foreign law so that if it is cited, it will be cited for the side of the issue that ADF favors. This has led the group to assist plaintiffs, like British citizen Stephen Copsey, who was fired from his job for refusing to work on Sundays. Benjamin Bull, ADF's chief counsel remarked: "It's crystal clear to us that unless we get involved in the outcome of foreign law then we're going to be at grave risk."