Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Islamists May Bring Somalia Order Under Islamic Courts

In Somalia, an Islamist militia has taken control of the capital city of Mogadishu after months of fighting with an alliance of warlords. Now the city's eleven Sharia courts are attempting to restore order under Islamic law after 15 years of anarchy in the country. The Union of Islamic Courts was originally created by businessmen attempting to end the arbitrary rule of warlords. Some residents though are now concerned that the country and its schools could fall into the hands of religious fundamentalists. The militia may now head for Baidoa, 140 miles from Mogadishu, where there is an internationally recognized transitional government. Reports on the situation have been published by the AP, Gulf Times, and BBC News.

UPDATE: On June 7, the AP reported that the successful Islamic militia installed a new Islamic court in the town of Balad, about 20 miles from Mogadishu.