Friday, June 30, 2006

Malaysian State Gives Marriage Incentives To Get Animist Conversions

In Malaysia's northern state of Kelantan, the government's Religious Affairs Committee is unhappy over the low rate of conversion to Islam by the Orang Asli-- the state's indigenous inhabitants who are animists, according to yesterday's Of the 12,900 Orang Asli in Kelantan, only 2,902 have converted. So the government has come up with a new plan. The government is offering a $2700 cash payment, an automobile and place to live, and an allowance of $1270 per month to any Muslim who marries an Orang Asli. Malaysian law requires anyone who marries a Muslim to first convert to Islam. The new policy has come under fire even from members of the Muslim community. Kelantan is the only Malaysian state governed by the extremist Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party.