Thursday, June 01, 2006

New Repression Of Bahais In Iran Reported

The New York Times reports today that the government of Iran has recently intensified its campaign against the Bahai religious minority in the country. On May 19, authorities in Shiraz arrested and held without charges for six days some 54 Bahais who were involved in a community service project, many of them in their teens and early 20's. More than 70 others have been arrested in the last 18 months. Although the Bahais are the largest religious minority in Iran, they are considered "unprotected infidels". Unlike Jews and Christians, they do not have seats in Iran's Parliament set apart for them. Since December, the government newspaper in Tehran has published more than 30 anti-Bahai articles --even accusing Bahais of sacrificing Muslim children on holy days. (See related prior posting.)