Friday, June 30, 2006

Oregon Pharmacy Board Modifies Conscientious Objection Policy

Earlier this month, the Oregon Board of Pharmacy issued a Clarification of its policy that permits pharmacists with moral or ethical objections to dispensing certain drugs to refrain from doing so. A pharmacist may not lecture a patient about the pharmacist's moral or religious beliefs. Pharmacies must insure that a patient's prescription needs are met either by another pharmacist on site or in another way. If the patient requests, the pharmacy must return the patient's prescription. Otherwise the pharmacy must identify another nearby pharmacy that will fill the prescription and refer the patient to it. Yesterday's Portland (OR) Catholic Sentinel reports on the policy changes that were requested by abortion rights groups. Gayle Atteberry, executive director of Oregon Right to Life, said "I am very disappointed that the pharmacy board did not stand up for those pharmacists who feel offended in their moral and religious conscience."