Saturday, June 10, 2006

Romney's Presidential Bid and His Mormon Religion

Today’s Weekend Edition of the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) carries a front-page article on Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s potential bid for the presidency and how his Mormon religious faith will impact his chances.

The article begins with an account of Romney’s dead-pan humor speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition in Palm Beach, Florida:
"You may have heard that I’m Mormon," Mr. Romney told the crowd, adding that it’s "very difficult being Mormon" in Massachusetts, where same-sex marriage is legalized. "You see for us, marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman and a woman and a woman."
In meetings with Christian conservatives, Romney is able to say, "I personally believe that Jesus Christ is my savior." He contends that voters will choose “individuals who are people of faith”, but he does not think that the "brand of faith" should matter.

Romney’s consultants do not believe that his religious affiliation will be as important to voters as political insiders are suggesting. Strategists believe, however, that Romney will eventually have to confront the religious issue directly.