Thursday, July 20, 2006

Afghanistan To Re-Establish "Vice and Virtue" Department

The Middle East Times reports today that Afghanistan's government has defended its proposal to re-establish a Department for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, despite the abuses of a similar group which acted as religious police when Afghanistan was under Taliban rule. Unlike its predecessor, the new department will have no authority to patrol the streets looking for violators of Islamic law. Instead, it will use mosques and the media to encourage virtues such as prayer, charity, and respect of elders and parents, and to discourage "sins" such as adultery, murder, theft, and using alcohol. The proposal has been approved by the cabinet and will go to Parliament later this month. The government says the move is necessary to counter extremist opposition to the government that argues the country has been invaded by "infidels"-- pointing to the lack of a vice and virtue department as evidence.