Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Americans United Criticizes Upcoming House Vote On 2 Bills

Today a vote is scheduled in the House of Representatives on the Pledge Protection Act of 2005 (H.R. 2389) that would prevent federal courts from hearing challenges to the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance. A vote is also scheduled on H.R. 5683 that would transfer ownership of the Mt. Soledad Cross in California to the federal government. Yesterday, Americans United for Separation of Church and State issued a statement criticizing these bills. AU executive directory Barry W. Lynn said: "The leaders of the House are shamelessly pandering to their Religious Right base. The forthcoming votes on these measures hit a new low for election-year posturing."

UPDATE: On Wednesday afternoon, the House of Representatives passed the Pledge Protection Act by a vote of 260-167. Here is the roll call vote. It now goes to the Senate where the Associated Press reports that its fate is uncertain. On Wednesday afternoon, the House also passed the bill authorizing the federal government to take title to the Soledad Veterans Memorial. The roll call vote was 349 yes; 74 no; 3 present. ( report.)