Friday, July 21, 2006

Preliminary Injunction Denied In City Incentives For Baptist Convention

As previously reported on Religion Clause, in June Americans United for Separation of Church and State sued the city of Baltimore in federal court over economic development incentives it granted to the National Baptist Convention to attract its annual convention to Baltimore. The full opinion denying a preliminary injunction has now become available. The case is Cheryl Person v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 48899 (D. Md., June 20, 2006).

The city agreed to discount the price of its arena by $ 195,000, provide up to $100,000 for transportation costs, and provide $5,000 to feed hungry people in Baltimore at a pre-convention event involving representatives of the national convention. The court previously ordered that participants in the Feed the Hungry Event could not engage in religious solicitation or distribute religious materials as part of that city-funded event. With that safeguard in place, the court held that the incentives granted by Baltimore did not violate the Establishment Clause.