Monday, July 10, 2006

Strict Sharia Being Introduced In Somalian Courts

In Somalia, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the new leader of the Council of the Islamic Courts that has taken control in Mogadishu says that all of Somalia must be governed by Sharia (Islamic law). Reuters South Africa today quotes Aweys as saying, "I want the world to respect our sharia and beliefs and cooperate with us and also recognize our administrations and humanity. They should work with us as free people who have a right to choose their own future and religion." Meanwhile, in contrast to the moderate form of Islam that has been prevalent in Somalia, courts are now beginning to apply strict sharia. Whipping has been imposed as a criminal sentence and Islamic courts announced plans to stone five rapists to death.
A leading Mogadishu cleric has said that Muslims who do not pray five times a day should be killed.