Saturday, July 01, 2006

Washington School Head Sued Over Veto Of Graduation Music Selection

Today' Seattle Times reports on another battle over high school graduation ceremonies. It has been a tradition at Henry M. Jackson High School in Mill Creek, Washington, for the seniors in the wind ensemble to select a favorite selection for the ensemble to play during commencement. This year they chose Ave Maria, which they had performed at a school concert in December 2004. However, Superintendent Carol Whitehead vetoed the selection as too religious for commencement ceremonies. So, at her mother's suggestion, Kathryn Nurre, an 18-year-old who played alto saxophone in the ensemble, filed suit in federal district court, with the assistance of the Rutherford Institute. (Release) "It was our graduation and it was our choice to pick the piece, and we didn't think they should be able to tell us we couldn't," said Nurre. Her mother added that the students were not attempting to make a religious statement in selecting the piece.